Timings for the first day back

As a reminder, please see below timings for the 5th September
New School Year
Students return to school on Thursday 5th September at the following times:
· Year 7 start at 8.50am and should meet their form tutor on the tennis courts.
· Year 8 -11 should be on site by 10.05am and students should head to their form rooms for a 10.10am start
· Year 12 should meet in the study centre for 10.10am start.
·Year 13 should make their way to their form rooms for a 10.10am start.
If your child is in Y8-11 and travels to school on the bus and will therefore arrive for the normal 8.50am start, they should report to the Learning Hub on arrival where they will be supervised until 10.10am.