Lego League students enjoy a VIP day at Tarmac Tunstead Quarry

BCS extend a huge thanks to Tarmac Tunstead for a wonderful and informative day.
To help spotlight engineering as a positive and rewarding career choice, Tarmac Tunstead invited some of Buxton Community School Lego League Robotics club students to spend a VIP day at their Tunstead Quarry.
So on Monday 24th of June, the day after International Women in Engineering Day, a group of 24 Year 7 students along with Mrs Carr and Mrs Barnwell visited the Tunstead Cement Plant, where they all had a fantastic day!
The students are all part of a very successful Lego and robotics club which has been sponsored by Tarmac Tunstead and has won several high-profile competitions over recent years, including making it through to the world finals for the past 2 years with team “stE-V-3” and “Best Newcomers” at the Regional finals with the Year 7 team “We Tried” this year.
The day included a full guided tour of the Cement Plant which was fascinating, seeing the whole process of the plant through from the stone at the start to the final bagging of the cement, witnessing engineering in action in many forms. The students were then put through their paces in two 30-minute exercises led by STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) Ambassador Josie Shereston. In teams, using giant Meccano as the main engineering tool, they had to build a wheelbarrow to transport a cup of water through an obstacle course without spilling any and also construct a self-supporting swing to hold a toy. The students loved the challenges and competitions with the whole day being educational and also incredibly fun!
Staff and students would like to take this opportunity to extend a massive thank you to Tarmac for their invitation, the brilliant hosting throughout the day, the inspirational careers advice and the superb lunch!!