
Please see below a message from Mr Yates regarding our Ofsted visit
Dear Parent/Carer
As you know we have been inspected by OFSTED over the last two days. We have been through a very vigorous and robust process which they have now completed. I wanted to thank you for your support and engagement with the inspection team. The responses to the parental survey have been very carefully analysed by the inspectors and will play a significant part in the final judgement.
Your children have really shown off what they are capable of during the inspection and the work, the knowledge and the skills they have demonstrated across a wide range of subjects has been fantastic. We are very proud of their efforts and we will thank them for their contribution to the last couple of days.
Unfortunately, there will be quite an extended process before the inspection outcomes are confirmed and the report is published. We will make sure you all receive a link to the report as soon as it is available. For now, it is back to business as normal and we will make sure we continue to provide the very best education we can for our young people.
C Yates - Headteacher