Friday 20th March - update from Craig Yates, Headteacher

Please see below an update from the Headteacher
Dear Parent/Carer
This is again another email to update you on the latest situation and to also thank all of you who have treated our plea for careful consideration before applying for an emergency place in school. In return, this has allowed us to provide the most effective support we possibly can for those people who really need it.
In a very strange way today has provided some really enjoyable highlights. I have spent the last couple of days feeling angry, upset and frustrated on behalf of our Y11 and Y13 students and the situation they have found themselves in concerning their examinations and potentially the end of their time here at BCS. Both year groups have absolutely made the most of today and if this were to be their last day at BCS they have made some astonishing memories to take with them. The Y13s set up their own tropical paradise in the study centre with karaoke and an Easter egg hunt. The Y11s surprised me by organising a last football match on the astro after their lessons this morning. At best guess there were around 70 players, a full squad of cheerleaders and plenty of spectators to enjoy the event. It was my privilege to blow the final whistle and all the students present where applauded from the pitch by the staff. It may not have been how we planned their time here to come to an end but they have some unique experiences from today to take with them that they will never forget.
Lots of you have been in touch to thank us for the resources we have provided for those of you working at home. We will continue to provide these for as long as staff are fit and well and able to do so. It is very strange to think about our school community operating in such a distributive fashion. I am looking forward to the day when we can bring the school back together as it belongs. In the meantime, I would once again like to thank you for your patience and support and we will keep in touch with you over the coming weeks.
Yours sincerely
Craig Yates - Headteacher