Update from Mr Yates - 22.05.2020

Latest update from Mr Yates
Dear Parent/Carer
I know that the uncertainty about re-opening to students will have been on your mind as much as mine at the moment. As a school, our priority is to open safely, and this needs enough time to finalise the details and communicate all this effectively with everyone involved. The challenges around this are considerable, especially as we are yet to receive final guidance from national government on their expectations around contact and support for Y10 & Y12. I also understand the desire of students to return to school and the additional pressure you may face as a family around child care as work places re-open more widely.
The Governing Body and Senior Leadership Team have discussed this issue at length and we have decided that it would not currently be feasible or sensible to bring additional students in to school from the 1st of June. I am sure you understand that we can only take our planning so far at this time. We will continue with our work to ensure a safe return as soon as possible whilst we wait on the additional guidance we are expecting. However, it is important that I explain that I am not yet able to commit to a date when this will be possible, and I anticipate this is unlikely to be before the 15th June at the earliest. The current thinking is that when we do return, it will be limited to a partial re-opening in the form of part time provision. We will keep these decisions under continual review as new information is released and I will keep you updated with any developments as they happen. I can reassure you we are working hard to find the safest and most workable solution we can. You may see a press release from DCC later today that acknowledges the position all schools find themselves in and the challenges they face.
We will still remain open for key workers and vulnerable students as we have since the beginning of the school closures and we will continue to welcome and care for them.
In the meantime, we are continuing to extend our support for those students who are working from home. Our staff are constantly refining their practice and delivery and our students are amazing me with the quality of work they are producing. I have been told today that our staff have had over 1,500 contacts with parents and students over the last few weeks. We might not be together in school, but it helps us to still feel like a school community to know so much is happening.
Finally, I would like to wish you as peaceful and restful half term break as possible. As at Easter, I have asked staff to give students a break from work being set and allow everyone a chance to recharge ready for whatever we face over the next few weeks. Once again, can I thank you for your messages of support, they make such a difference.
Craig Yates