Update from Mr Yates - 06.06.2020

For the attention of Y10 and Y10 parents. Please see below Mr Yates' letter regarding Y10 and Y12 students returning to school, followed by further information.
‘Stabilising Learning’
Teaching and learning guidance in preparation for the partial reopening of school to Year 10 and Year 12 students
Despite our best efforts, gaps in learning will have developed during this period of distance learning due to the limits of remote teaching, the varying independent study skills of students and the extenuating circumstances surrounding our disadvantaged and vulnerable students.
Therefore, how can we best address these gaps when students return to school for some form of face-to-face teaching? Furthermore, how can we maximise the effectiveness of our remote teaching strategies for those currently unable or unlikely to return in the immediate future?
There are lots of unknowns and things that we can’t control now. What we can do is focus on what we know and what we can control.
What we know
Remote teaching and learning - next steps
What we know
Consequently, given that some form of distance learning will continue for all students for the foreseeable future, it’s important that we continue to adapt our remote teaching strategies and explore new avenues to ensure this process is as effective as possible.
What else we can do
• Increase ‘interactivity’
One of the reasons we have advocated using pre-recorded Loom videos and tools such as Microsoft Forms is that it generates a sense of ‘interactivity’ which feels more like ‘teaching’ as the students understand it rather than just seeing online learning as a work delivery tool. We want students at home to feel like they are still connected to our school even though they can’t be with us at the moment. There are also numerous apps and online learning platforms that can be used to engage students working remotely.
• Improve the quality of feedback we give to students remotely
It is important that we provide some form of diagnostic, formative feedback when appropriate to help close gaps in understanding and move the learning forward. This does not mean you always have to comment on each student’s piece of work or give individual, bespoke feedback. Research has shown that whole-class feedback is a powerful tool for learning. Think about recording a short Loom video in response to work you received via Class Charts or perhaps based on the results of a Microsoft Forms quiz, paying particular attention to the really challenging questions that students got wrong and modelling the correct approach to use. This is a great way of taking whole-class feedback online and will be really appreciated by our students.
And finally… there is a lot we still don’t know, new information will emerge, we can’t control everything. Just focus on teaching your subject the best you can remotely or when they are in front of you.
Document 5 - Member of School Community becomes unwell
Students or staff who become unwell during the school day with coronavirus (COVID-19 ) symptoms – information taken from current government guidance
The designated isolation room is B3 and the disabled toilet will be allocated.
Both areas will be deep cleaned after use.
The most important symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of any of the following:
• a new continuous cough
• a high temperature
• a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia
For most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness. Children are likely to become infected with coronavirus (COVID-19) at roughly the same rate as adults, but the infection is usually mild.
If anyone has any of the symptoms above they should self-isolate at home. Do not attend school under any circumstances if you have the above symptoms.
What you need to know
Document 6. NHS Test & trace guidance
Information for staff and parents
The NHS test and trace service:
‘Contact’ means a person who has been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus and who may or may not live with them.
Part 2: if you are contacted by the NHS test and trace service because you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus
When to self-isolate
The medical advice is clear: you must self-isolate if you have coronavirus symptoms or live in the same household as somebody who does. The main symptoms of coronavirus are:
If you have one or more of these symptoms, you must self-isolate straight away for 7 days – or longer if you still have symptoms other than cough or loss of sense of smell/taste.
If you live in the same household as someone with coronavirus symptoms, you must self-isolate straight away for 14 days.
How to order a test
Please tell us about your symptoms as soon as possible and get a test to find out if you have coronavirus. Please tell us about your symptoms as soon as possible. The sooner you have a test, the sooner we can let you know if you and other members of your household must remain in self-isolation.
Members of the public can order a test through the NHS website.
If you are an essential worker or an employer, please visit:
• employers
Our guidance on testing has more information on our testing programme.
If you get a positive test, we will contact you and ask you to share information about any close contacts you had just before or after you developed symptoms. This is vital if we are to stop the spread of the virus.
We will contact you by text message, email or phone. If you are under 18 years old, we will contact you by phone wherever possible and ask for your parent or guardian’s permission to continue the call.
You will be sent a link to the NHS test and trace website and asked to create a confidential account where you can record details about your recent close contacts. If you do not have internet access or if you don’t complete the online process, one of our contact tracers will phone you to gather this information from you.
The information you give will be handled in strict confidence and will only be kept and used in line with data protection laws. It will help us to contact people who are at risk of having been exposed to coronavirus and explain what they must do to help prevent the further spread of the virus.
When we contact people to advise them to self-isolate, we do not tell them your identity. But if you have alerted them when you first develop symptoms or when you get your test result, they will be better prepared for the advice we give them.
When we contact you
If the NHS test and trace service contacts you, the service will use text messages, email or phone.
All texts or emails will ask you to sign into the NHS test and trace contact-tracing website.
If NHS test and trace calls you by phone, the service will be using a single phone number: 0300 013 5000.
All information you provide to the NHS test and trace service is held in strict confidence and will only be kept and used in line with the Data Protection Act 2018.
Contact tracers will:
• send you text messages from ‘NHS’
• ask you to sign into the NHS test and trace contact-tracing website
• ask for your full name and date of birth to confirm your identity, and postcode to offer support while self-isolating
• ask about the coronavirus symptoms you have been experiencing
• ask you to provide the name, telephone number and/or email address of anyone you have had close contact with in the 2 days prior to your symptoms starting
• ask you to make any form of payment or purchase a product or any kind
• ask for any details about your bank account
• ask for your social media identities or login details, or those of your contacts
• ask you for any passwords or PINs, or ask you to set up any passwords or PINs over the phone
• disclose any of your personal or medical information to your contacts
• provide medical advice on the treatment of any potential coronavirus symptoms
• ask you to download any software to your PC or ask you to hand over control of your PC, smartphone or tablet to anyone else
• ask you to access any website that does not belong to the government or NHS.
• if you have had any close contact with anyone other than members of your household. We are interested in in the 48 hours before you developed symptoms and the time since you developed symptoms. Close contact means:
o having face-to-face contact with someone (less than 1 metre away)
o spending more than 15 minutes within 2 metres of someone
o travelling in a car or other small vehicle with someone (even on a short journey) or close to them on a plane
• if you work in – or have recently visited – a setting with other people (for example, a GP surgery, a school or a workplace).
How this information is used
Based on the information you provide, we will assess whether we need to alert your contacts and ask them to self-isolate.
We may refer the case to local public health experts if your case is complex, for example, if you work in or have recently visited:
Local public health experts are Public Health England staff and teams employed by your local authority who work together with all parts of the local community to prevent or respond to local outbreaks.
The NHS coronavirus app
We are currently developing our NHS coronavirus app, which is being trialled on the Isle of Wight. When rolled out nationally this app will supplement the other forms of contact tracing.
People who have had close contact with someone who has coronavirus
If you are told to self-isolate
If we identify you as someone who has had close recent contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus, we will notify you that you must self-isolate in line with medical advice.
You may be feeling well and not have any symptoms, but it is still essential for you to follow the advice that you are given.
This is because, if you have been infected, you could be infectious to others at any point up to 14 days. Some people infected with the virus don’t show any symptoms at all and it is therefore crucial to self-isolate to avoid unknowingly spreading the virus.
If you do not have symptoms, you must not seek a test, as the scientific evidence shows that the test may not be able to detect whether you have the virus.
How you will be told to self-isolate
If you are aged 18 or over, we will contact you by text message or email but will follow up by phone if we don’t get a response. If we only have a landline number for you, we will contact you on that number.
If you are under 18 years old, we will contact you by phone wherever possible and ask for consent from your parent or guardian to continue the call.
If you have internet access, we will ask you to log onto our NHS test and trace website. This is the simplest way of giving you the information you need and the opportunity to ask any questions. The online service will also ask you to confirm that you are following the advice on self-isolation.
If you do not have internet access, we will arrange for a trained call handler to speak to you by phone to give you the information and advice you need.
What happens next
You must self-isolate for 14 days after you were in contact with the person who has tested positive for coronavirus. This is crucial to avoid unknowingly spreading the virus.
Self-isolation means staying at home and not going outside your home at any time. If you live with other people, they do not need to self-isolate, but they should avoid contact with you as far as possible and follow advice on hygiene. If you do not live with other people, you should seek help from others, or delivery services, for essential activities such as food shopping. Self-isolation can be particularly challenging if you are looking after children, or if you care for vulnerable people who cannot stay with friends or family.
If you go on to develop symptoms, anyone you live with must then self-isolate and you must report your symptoms and get tested.
It is crucial that you complete your 14-day self-isolation period if you’ve been identified as a contact, even if you get a negative test result. This is because you may have the virus, but it cannot yet be detected by a test, so you could unknowingly spread the virus if you leave the house. Other members of your household, however, do not need to remain in self-isolation.
When we contact you
If the NHS test and trace service contacts you, the service will use text messages, email or phone.
All texts or emails will ask you to sign into the NHS test and trace contact-tracing website.
If NHS test and trace calls you by phone, the service will be using a single phone number: 0300 013 5000.
All information you provide to the NHS test and trace service is held in strict confidence and will only be kept and used in line with the Data Protection Act 2018.
Contact tracers will:
The NHS test and trace service will provide a notification that can be used as evidence that someone has been told to self-isolate. This notification can be shared with an employer or education provider, for example.
In having some face to face contact with our Year 10 and Year 12 students we hope to stabilise their learning and begin to address some of their knowledge gaps and support our remote teaching strategies.
For Year 10 and Year 12 students to return to school, it is important they understand the need for the protocols and can work within these when they are at school. All students will be expected to follow all procedures and guidance to protect themselves, and others, by promoting social distancing and strict hygiene processes in and around the school site.
Clothing and Equipment
There is an expectation that clothing worn to school is clean and easily washable; therefore, all students will be able to wear casual clothing to school. The clothing should be appropriate for school and any external coats will need to be kept at their workstation throughout the day. Students can bring a small bag to school; however, pens and stationery items will be provided.
Currently students are not required to bring textbooks, folders of work or their exercise books into school. Students will not be permitted to access their lockers at this time. We encourage students to bring their mobile phone, but it should remain in their bags on arrival in school. However, we are aware students may be contacted by the ‘Test, track and Trace’ service and may need to respond.
All students will also be encouraged to following safe handwashing guidance -washing their hands for 20 seconds with soap and warm water. Teachers will model this to help to support their hygiene, if required.
All classrooms will have a lidded bin and a supply of tissues. Students will all be encouraged to ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’, disposing of their tissues in the lidded bin. Students will also be encouraged to avoid touching their mouth, nose and eyes with their hands.
There will be several hand sanitisers spread throughout the school and all students will be positively encouraged to use hand sanitisers whenever they pass them in the school.
Document 9. Guidance for Parents/Carers in preparation for Y10/Y12 students' returning to school
At Buxton Community School we are committed to do everything we can to keep our community, including our parents, carers, students and staff safe. We want everyone to feel confident that we are taking the appropriate steps for school to begin to re-open to smaller identified groups of students.
We understand what an unprecedented time this is for our students and staff to be returning to school. Our primary aim is to provide a safe and wherever possible normal environment. However, there are new procedures and routines that the whole of our school community will need to become accustomed to in order to maintain our primary priority of keeping everyone safe and well, by following all government guidance.
This guidance is intended as a source of information and reference for all parents and carers of the students at Buxton Community School as we commence phased re-opening of our school during the current Covid-19 pandemic. We will continually risk assess the key areas identified in the new protocols responding to the government’s and Local Authority new developments, advice and guidance.
All parents are asked to discuss the procedures with their son/daughters in preparation for their return to school. Parent/carers are also encouraged to ensure their children follow all the government's current procedures and guidance relating to meeting others from outside your household and social distancing regulations to protect themselves, and others.
All students in Y10 and Y12 will have a ‘Welcome back’ familiarisation session in the week beginning 15th June. Students who are unable to access this session will need to do a ‘catch up’ session before they can return to the planned schedule of teaching and learning sessions.
New Protocols
Clothing and Equipment
Where possible we are advising students to walk or cycle to and from school. Students who walk to and from school need to ensure they observe the 2 metres social distancing regulation unless they are walking with siblings who live in the same house. Students who cycle should bring a bike lock to ensure their bike is kept safe on the school site. We are advising all students who cycle to wear a cycle helmet.
Parents/carers who need to bring their son/daughters to school by car will be able to drop students at the Temple Road entrance. To avoid congestion, drop off points will be marked on the road and students will need to make their way onto the school site immediately after being dropped off. Parents/carers should only bring their own children to school and not give lifts to other children. The same procedures will apply to collecting students from school.
To ensure that we can maintain everyone’s safety please do arrive at school and collect your child from school at the specified time. Parking on the school site will not be permitted unless for emergencies or for students identified as required a disabled parking space.
Where students are unable to avoid the use of public transport, we ask that you remind your son/daughter of the need to observe the social distancing regulations during their journey where possible.
Social Distancing
Social distancing of 2 metres must always be maintained by all adults and students. The 2-metre social distancing regulation should be observed when moving around outside the buildings in the corridors, within the classrooms and in the toilet areas.
Parents/Carers Visiting School
Parents/carers who need to contact school should do so by email or telephoning the school reception on 01298 23122. We ask that parent/carers only enter the school site if they need to accompany a student for medical or reasons, attend a pre-arranged meeting or other extenuating circumstances. Parents/carers are required access school using the Temple Road entrance and use the designated visitor's entrance which will be clearly identified. All visits and appointments will be limit to one parent/carer only.
The numbers of adults will be limited in the following areas:
Main entrance areas: access permitted for one parent (with their own child) at any one time. There will be a designated waiting area marked outdoors, with two metres distancing.
Main reception: Parents will only be allowed into the school reception foyer one at a time. Queuing outside this area will observe social distancing (this will be taped/marked on the floor). Parents/carers are not permitted to access the office and the main partition glass will be kept in a closed position during any necessary communication.
Parents/carers will be required to use the hand sanitiser on arrival and sign in using the electronic signing in system if attending a pre-arranged meeting. Parents will be provided with a visitors' badge which they are asked to dispose of as they leave the building.
Hygiene Practice and Procedures
All students will be required to enter school through the main entrance where they will be required to use the hand sanitiser stations before further entry to the school building. Students will be regularly reminded of good hand hygiene procedures throughout the school day.
All students will also be encouraged to following safe handwashing guidance -washing their hands for 20 seconds with soap and warm water. Teachers will model this to help to support their hygiene, if required.
All classrooms will have a lidded bin and a supply of tissues. Students will all be encouraged to ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’, disposing of their tissues in the lidded bin. Students will also be encouraged to avoid touching their mouth, nose and eyes with their hands.
There will be several hand sanitisers spread throughout the school and all students will be positively encouraged to use hand sanitisers whenever they pass them in the school.
There will be staggered start and end times to the day for all students. This will allow a flow of students around the school which will support distancing and avoid congestion at certain points and times.
There will be an internal one-way system around the school which is clearly marked. All students and staff will follow the one-way system throughout the building and use the identified entrances and exits.
All students will be allocated to a ‘teaching hub’ with a maximum of 12 students in the ‘hub’. Their hub will be allocated to a teaching room and they will be in a seating plan which students will need to adhere to throughout the day. All teaching rooms have been re-purposed to enable the teacher and all students to observe the 2 metre distancing regulations.
Students movement around the classroom will be restricted and only with the teacher’s permission and where it is safe to observe social distancing regulations. Students will use the toilet facilities one at a time and again with permission and in line with social distancing. Staff will help remind students of distancing and hand washing hygiene rules.
Teaching and Learning Hubs
A teaching hub will enable the Year 10 and 12 students to have some face to face contact with some of their teachers. The purpose will be to consolidate any remote learning the students have done, address some misconceptions about work that has been set and begin to prepare the students for next year. There is an expectation that Y10 and Y12 students will continue with remote home learning when they are not scheduled to be in school.
Student Welfare
The first session the students will have in school will be a ‘Welcome back’ familiarisation session, where students will go through all the expectations in the new protocols and have an opportunity to share any reservations or anxieties they may have.
We are also aware that for some students there will be a need to focus on adapting to routines again and trying to support any anxieties that may have built up during their time away from school. We will have a range of support facilities in school that students can access including access to a Pastoral Manager, the school counsellor through a remote or face to face 1:1 meeting.
To support some students’ health or social and emotional well-being it may be more appropriate to come into school for an individually tutored session. We will contact parents/carers of students where we have identified this type of contact is more appropriate.
To support students who may have a non-COVID-19 related illness or minor injury while they are in school, the student will be directed to reception by the member of staff, where the normal access to medical advice will be provided.
If students develop any of the identified COVID-19 related symptoms, then school will follow the government guidelines, the student will be supported in isolation while in school until contact can be made with parents/carers to safely return the student home.
Communication with Teachers
To avoid breaking social distancing regulations, please could we ask you to contact the school in the following ways:
Please continue to communicate with your child’s form teacher or class teacher via email. We will respond as soon as possible but this will not be immediate as teachers will be teaching. Please accept our apologies.
If a parent requires to speak to a member of staff, please do so via phoning the school office who will forward your message. Meetings will take place via phone call.
Our Behaviour Policy has been revised to reflect the new protocols. This will be shared with the students in their ‘Welcome Back’ familiarisation session. We aim to prepare and support our students in following any new procedures and routines in a supportive way. Positive reward systems will remain in place and will be used frequently to praise and support positive behaviour.
Where adults in school deem that despite positive support and encouragement a child’s behaviour is putting the safety of others at risk they will report this to senior leaders who will decide on the most appropriate response and communicate this with parents/carers.
Please do not send you child into school if they develop COVID-19 symptoms. You should follow the government guidance with regard to this and call the school reception on 01298 23122 to notify if your child is required to self isolate.
Parents/carers will be informed by email when their son/daughter will be expected into school. If your son/daughter is unable to attend please let school know before 9.30am identifying the reasons for absence, using the school’s attendance telephone line,
It is important that students do not attempt to access the school site at any time they are not scheduled to do so.
Students can bring healthy snacks to school which can be eaten during an allocated mini –break in their teaching and learning hub. Water will be provided for students.
Free School Meals
From June 15th 2020 our kitchen will reopen for cold food only and grab bags will be provided for any students in receipt of free school meals who attend school.
Parents/carers are encouraged to contact school by email or to make a telephone appointment if they would like to discuss further or comment on any of the arrangements made.
When the protocols are updated or amended in response to the government’s and Local Authority & Government new developments, advice and guidance, an amended copy will be sent to parents/carers.
Document 11. Behaviour Policy Amendments
Buxton Community School continues to seek and promote high standards of behaviour and safety for all of our students during the COVID-19 pandemic. We view the setting of clear expectations and acceptable boundaries as crucial during these unprecedented times for students in our care. By working with us, students can feel confident and comfortable in school that the students are playing their part in keeping school safe for everyone.
Considering this, there is an additional appendix to our Behaviour Policy that will be used to consider any issues that arise and are linked to COVID-19 arrangements.
• All students (and their parents/carers) are expected to follow government guidelines on getting to and from school safely.
• Students should arrive at school at their designated time. Students will not be permitted to enter the site before that time.
• Students should not arrive early and congregate outside of the school site.
• Students should conduct themselves according to appropriate social distancing rules in the local community
• Students should enter the school site ONLY through the Temple Road entrance, always observing social distancing rules.
• Students should wait to enter the school building through the main entrance, always following social distancing rules.
• Students are expected to follow the school instructions on hygiene, including handwashing and sanitising. Handwashing and sanitising of hands will become a very regular part of the school day and will be encouraged at every opportunity. This includes hand sanitising when entering the school, exiting the classroom and the building.
• Students are not expected to wear school uniform and all requirements will be relaxed to enable clothes to be washed as required. Appropriate dress codes, as per non-school uniform days, apply.
• Students are expected to follow instructions on only socialising with students in the same teaching group they are assigned to within the school grounds and in designated areas. No student is permitted to leave the site during the school day.
• Students are expected to move around the school using only the one-way system.
• Students should not enter any areas clearly identified as out of bounds.
• Students are expected to follow Government guidance about sneezing, coughing, tissues and disposal (‘catch it, bin it, kill it’).
• Students are expected to avoid touching their mouth, nose and eyes with their hands.
• Students are expected to tell an adult if they are experiencing symptoms of coronavirus.
• Students are expected to follow the school’s instructions on the use of stationery.
When students breach these behaviour expectations and it is deemed deliberate, parental contact will be made. The severity of the breach will inform the decision as to the sanction imposed.
• Persistent and deliberate failure to follow instructions to maintain social distancing will result in a student being isolated until they are collected by a parent/carer. It may be necessary for the student to remain at home until a meeting with a senior member of staff can be arranged.
• Deliberate coughing, spitting or any other behaviour which endangers the health and safety of other students or member of staff will be grounds for fixed term exclusion and the student may be asked to stay at home for the remainder of the partial lockdown period, if it is deemed their behaviour poses a risk to the health and safety of others.
• Any student leaving the site during a timetabled session during the school day will not be permitted to return and parent/carer will be contacted to collect.
Classroom expectations.
Normal classroom standards and expectations will apply, and the consequence system will be in operation.
If a student reaches C3 level within the classroom setting parents will be contacted. Continued disruptive behaviour at this level may result in the student returning to work from home full time.
If a student reaches a C4 within the classroom setting parents will be informed and asked to collect the student for the remainder of that day. Again, persistent disruption at this level may result in the student returning to work from home full time.
The RAP reward system will still operate both within and outside the classroom setting and it will recognise where students are doing well personally and academically.