School uniform

Latest uniform news and special offer from Classworx
Please find attached a leaflet from Classworx in Macclesfield regarding the ordering school uniform - this also includes a special offer.
As a reminder we also take this opportunity to attach a full list of our uniform and where it can be sourced.
Please note that we are introducing a new PE kit for 2020. The plan is that new Y7 students will have this from September. Y8 upwards will change to the new kit as and when their current items need replacing. The decision to change was made with the PE department, SLT and governors. We have had the current kit for sometime now and felt that the polo shirt particularly, would benefit from an update. The new kit is manufactured from a performance fabric which allows for better movement, breathing and absorption. Each item will now be badged and the PE department feel strongly that this will give us a much more professional look, not only in our own PE lessons, but particularly when we visit other sites for competitions.
Kind regards