Careers Information - Y10 Futures Week

Information for Y10 students regarding Futures Week
Had we been in school as normal, this week would have seen a focus on careers learning (we call it our Futures Programme). Students would have had the opportunity to visit a university, take part in the Buxton and Leek College Open Day, develop personal skills with workshops from members of the Armed Forces, and learned about the opportunities available in our sixth form.
We will, of course, support our students in whatever ways we can in making the best decisions about their plans for post 16 education and training. As a crucial part of this, Mrs Barnwell, our careers advisor, has produced three fantastic resources to support students over the next few weeks to think about their next steps. These are available on Classcharts and on the Careers section of the school website and are in the form of three ‘virtual booklets’. (These can also be downloaded below). They cover pathways, skills and qualities, and applications and CVs. Each ‘booklet’ contains information, links to other resources and some activities to complete. We also hope to be able to share some advice from our Enterprise Advisor, Julie Allen, from Tarmac, who works with us closely. She is producing a video to explain to students what an employer looks for in a CV, and the importance of technical accuracy.
We would strongly encourage your child to engage with these resources at some point before September, as some applications for colleges need to be submitted in the Autumn term. There are lots of links to other sources of information and advice in the ‘booklets’, but if you have any questions or concerns, you can contact Mrs Barnwell at Sarah.Barnwell@Buxton.Derbyshire.Sch.Uk. She would be happy to provide further information or advice, and can arrange a phone call if necessary.
Can I take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support of the school and the work we are doing.
Kind regards
Mrs Gill Ashworth