A Level results update

Well done to our wonderful Y13 students!
We are really proud of our Sixth Form students who received their exam results today. They have worked extremely hard for so long, they have coped brilliantly with the uncertainty of the last few months and today, they have dealt with the whole situation with a maturity and positivity that does them credit.
Results day was very much about next steps and future destinations and included some stunning results. To mention just a few; Connie with A*,A,A is going on to read History at Oxford, Luke with A*,A*,A* has gained a place on the prestigious MORSE course at Warwick and Elliot with A*,A*,B will be going to Bath to read Maths. The vast majority of the students have been able to take up offers of university and college places, apprenticeships or other exciting opportunities. Future University destinations for BCS Sixth Formers include; Oxford, Bath, Cardiff, Loughborough, Durham, Glasgow, Nottingham and more. They are thrilled to be starting number of diverse and exciting courses including; film production, business analytics, English, events management, mental health nursing, policing, midwifery, marine biology, et
The government issued a very late change to the process this week on Wednesday with a comment about “Valid Mock results” and an appeals process for students. We had no notice that this change was to take place and we have not yet received any guidance about what evidence we will need to submit to support a possible grade change. As you will have seen in the news, schools across the country have seen changes to results as they have been through the national standardisation process with the exam boards. No school has been unaffected and we have seen an impact here too. We have explained to our students who feel they may be affected that we have been told to expect an update next week on how the process will work.
Once we have received the information about potential appeals, we write to parents/carers to let them know how we will work through the process and if their child will be affected. Unfortunately, we cannot give you any more information or the likely success of any appeal at this time. We want to reassure everyone that we will pursue legitimate opportunities to appeal a result wherever we can.
We will not let Covid and the strange circumstances we find ourselves in, take away from what our students have achieved. They have learned and grown so much over their time at BCS. We have loved them being part of the school and they have contributed as much as they have gained.
We wish each of them the very best of luck for the future and we will miss them all.
Craig Yates - Headteacher