Christmas Hampers

Thank you in advance to the students, families and staff at BCS for their kind donations.
In the next few days we will be launching our annual Buxton Community School Christmas Hamper appeal. Over the last ten years, the school community has come together to produce numerous food hampers which we then deliver to charities and care homes in the local area. We are always amazed at the overwhelming thoughtfulness and charity of our students and their families.
For obvious reasons, we are going to have to do things slightly differently this year but we also think it is more important than ever that we do what we can to support those in our local community.
Normally, we would deliver hampers to a variety of places in the community. This will not be possible this year for health reasons. Our plan this year is to donate all of our hampers to The High Peak Foodbank, the local foodbank in Buxton. We feel that this is a more than deserving charity within Buxton and one that would be very appreciative of donations in the current climate.
Later this week, students will be given a Loom presentation in tutor time, asking them to collect items that can be put in food hampers. (Follow this link to view the presentation - Normally, we would produce the hampers by tutor group. However, this year, for Covid security reasons, we will be asking students to drop off their donations at the pastoral base for their year group bubble. Items can be dropped off by students from Monday-Friday and will then be stored over the weekend for bio-security. They will then be delivered the following week and fresh boxes for donations will be provided in the pastoral bases.
Our hope is that we will have a regular stream of donations between now and Christmas so that we, in turn, can provide regular hampers to the food bank.
The Loom presentation shows a range of potential products which can be donated. Essentially, any non-perishable items would be gratefully received. These may include:
- Products in tins and jars.
- Long life milk.
- Tea, coffee and hot chocolate.
- Fruit juice and squash.
- Breakfast cereal.
- Toiletries- including toilet roll, kitchen roll, shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste/toothbrushes.
- Sanitary items.
- Crisps, crackers and sweets.
Although the appeal is for Christmas hampers, the products do not have to be Christmas related- the foodbank will be grateful for any donations. Please can we request that no alcohol is donated.
We are very conscious of the fact that many families in our community may need support themselves in the current situation. If you feel that you would benefit, please feel free to contact the High Peak Food Bank:
Telephone: 07977 618232 or Email:
High Peak Food Bank, United Reform Church, Hardwick Square East, Buxton SK17 6PT
Alternatively, please free to contact Jayne McMillan here at school: Jayne.McMillan@Buxton.Derbyshire.Sch.Uk
May we thank you in advance for your kind support. Hopefully, between now and Christmas, we can collect as much as possible to help those in need.
Kind regards and thanks in advance.
Mr C Buckley - Head of English