Emotional Health and Wellbeing

Looking after our children and ourselves during lockdown
At Buxton Community School, we recognise how difficult remote learning can be for some children and their families. With work commitments, it can be really difficult for parents to juggle everything alongside supporting our children with their school work. This information has been put together using advice from CAMHS and the Anna Freud Foundation and includes advice and links to further support.
I have included a link to a some helpful videos provided by CAMHS on topics such as: anxiety; relaxation and self-help; sleep and positive behaviour support which may be of some interest.
Anxiety is a normal and protective response, however too much anxiety can be disabling. COVID-19 has impacted on: our feelings of safety; loss of normal routines; reduced contact with support networks; uncertainty and in some, a feeling of a loss of control. We cannot remove all anxiety from a child’s life, but we can help them to become accustomed to uncertainty. We can help our children learn how to regulate their emotions so that when they reach adulthood they get better at putting things into perspective and realise, that for the most part, they can cope.
Useful strategies from CAMHs suggest:
- The importance of good communication with our children.
- Clear rules and routines at home: particularly with regard to sleep, eating and staying hydrated
- Listening to worries, be curious and try and identify what is causing anxiety
- Being aware of our own emotions and how they impact on our children
- Be prepared/aware of triggers and plan ahead
- Problem solve how situations could be tackled together
- Praise any efforts they make to face their fears
- Be positive and confident and choose your words carefully
- Be patient
- Limit access to anything that causes more worry e.g. news reports etc
- Try and maintain friendships through online video calls etc
- Identify your support bubble and call on it if necessary
Support Options:
- School nurse – parents can self-refer via www.derbyshireschoolnurses.org.uk
- Action for Children -Build Sound Minds: https://services.actionforchildren.org.uk/derbyshire/build-sound-minds/
- Specialist CAMHs: www.camhsnorthderbyshire.nhs.uk
- Thomas Theyer Foundation (Buxton), email: counselling@thomastheyerfoundation.org.uk to enquire about the free counselling service.
- Via e-help at school via Debra our school counsellor. Young people should email: ehelp@buxton.derbyshire.sch.uk
- www.kooth.org is an online counselling service for young people
- www.qwell.io for adult online mental health support.
- www.annafreud.org
A Loom assembly will be sent to your child via Classcharts next week about how they can look after their own emotional well-being. Please encourage your child to watch this ten minute assembly.
We understand and we are here to support. Not every day will be a roaring success and there will be days when it is so hard to juggle everything that needs to be done. Please remember that we are in this together.
Thank you for all that you are doing.
Mrs A Garner - Assistant Headteacher