Update for Y13 parents/carers from Mrs Jones

Message from Mrs Jones regarding Y13 assessment assessment record templates
Dear Parent/Carer
I would like to take this opportunity to share with you, a link to a document that details the assessments that will be used to inform the teacher assessed grades that schools are being asked to submit for this summer’s A-level results. This document will also be shared on classcharts with yourself and your child. In addition, I asked subject teachers to share and discuss the assessment record for their subject with their 13 students.
As you can see a range of assessments will be used as the evidence base for teacher judgements. Please do not worry if your child has missed any of the assessments listed; we are able to amend our assessment records accordingly without it necessarily having a negative impact on the grades that your child is awarded this summer. Most Year 13 students have a full compliment of assessments for all subjects but where this is not the case, or where the evidence base requires strengthening, we may need to ask your child to complete additional assessments up to and including the week beginning 7th June. All grades have to be internally quality assured and submitted to the exam boards no later than the 18th June. A-level results will be published on the 10th August. We hope to be able to hold a result day and we will write to you in due course to confirm the arrangements for these days. Details of the appeals process will also be shared with you.
I would like to thank you for all your support across, what has been a very challenging 14 months. I have really enjoyed working with these fantastic group of Y13 students and I wish them all good things as they embark on their next journey. We will miss them!
Your sincerely
Mrs Sam Jones - Deputy Headteacher