Exam Contingency

Please see below a letter regarding exam contingency which was emailed to Y11 and Y13 parents
Dear Parent/Carer
We would like to update you on some guidance we have received regarding the examinations your child is due to sit in the summer. Ofqual have asked that we share a letter with you explaining their contingency plans should exams not be able to go ahead. The letter can be found by accessing the following link:
In summary, schools are being asked to assess students under exam conditions, once in the autumn term, once in the spring term and once again early in the summer term. If exams are unable to go ahead, schools will be asked to submit teacher assessed grades for each student; grades which will be informed from the three assessments described above. Therefore, it is really important your child takes these assessments seriously and that they prepare well for them. If your child has an access arrangement, the necessary support for this will be in place for all three assessments and special consideration can be applied where appropriate and applicable.
As you may be aware, Year 13 students have already sat a set of mock exams in late September and Year 11 are due to sit their mock exams in December. These sets of mocks will form the first of the three assessments as described above. We will write to you again to confirm the timings of the second and third rounds of assessment.
We are really mindful of the time that these assessments will take away from teaching time and the additional pressures they may bring to our students; with this in mind we intend to follow the guidance from Ofqual and wherever possible ensure that the length of the 3 assessments in each subject does not exceed the length of the external examinations.
If you have any questions regarding the exam contingency described here, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards
Mrs Sam Jones - Deputy Headteacher