First day reminders

Please see below a few extracts from Mr Yates' end of term letter regarding the first day back - Monday 5th September
Staff return to school on 1st September and we will be open to take calls if you have any last minute questions for us. (Please note that due to training in the morning, telephones may not be manned until late morning.)
Students return on Monday 5th September as follows:
Y7 students start at 8.50am. (If you have paid for a school tie but were not present at the induction evening to collect it, you can either call in to reception between 1-3pm on the 1st or 2nd September to collect or your child will receive the tie from their form tutor on the first morning.)
All other year groups (including Sixth Form) start at period 2 - 10.05am. They should head to their form rooms at this time
Normal school day times apply for all year groups from Tuesday 6th September.
Please remember that school uniform plays a key part in students feeling that they belong to our school and are part of our community. It also helps them remember that they should adopt a school frame of mind when they come through the gates. Please check this link to ensure you have the correct uniform - It is not unknown for students to try and convince their parents that something they would really like is acceptable when the uniform code says different. Before students restart on Monday, any hair that has been dyed a vivid colour must be returned to a natural look and excessive and brightly coloured nail extensions need to be removed. Nails must be of a suitable length and a natural colour. In addition, please remember that jewellery is limited to a watch and studs only in ears. In accordance with Health and Safety regulations no other piercings are allowed, including lip, nose, septum and eyebrow. We will always challenge where uniform is not correct as it plays a significant part in who we are.
We look forward to welcoming our new students to BCS and to seeing our returning students again, and hope that they will all be refreshed from their break and ready to learn.