Uniform and PE kit

Sportshall changing rooms are back in action.
Dear Parent/Carer
We are pleased to report that work was carried out on the sports hall roof over half term and from tomorrow (28/02/2023) students must revert to coming to school in uniform, bringing their PE kit in with them and getting changed before and after their PE lesson.
Can we please request that students are wearing the correct uniform, both school uniform and BCS PE kit (the correct PE kit is required and only black or blue joggers/leggings are allowed for PE.)
Thank you as always for your support.
As a reminder, please see our uniform list below (as per our school uniform policy):-
·Black blazer with school logo (purchased only from Classworx or MyClothing.com).
· Plain white shirt with a pointed collar (not tight fitting blouse) buttoned to the top and must be worn tucked into trousers/skirt.
· School clip on tie — purchase from school via ParentPay
· All black trousers or skirt (skirt must be knee length). Trousers and skirts must be plain black, made of school uniform type material only (not denim, lycra, canvas, cord, linen, or leather). Jean-type trousers with patch pockets are not allowed.
· Shoes should be leather or leather look, polishable all black, flat, sensible school shoes, not canvas or other materials. There should be no logos.
· Socks should be plain black. Tights should be black.
· Only a plain, all black V-neck, knitted school jumper may be worn under the blazer (no logos). The jumper must not be worn instead of the blazer - no other jumpers, sweatshirts or hoodies to be worn in school.
PE Kit
Boys and girls have the same PE kit:
- BCS PE shirt
- BCS PE hoodie
- BCS PE shorts
- BCS PE leggings or BCS PE track pants (optional). Plain black or navy blue leggings/track pants can also be worn.
- Plain white football socks for outdoors
- Plain white short socks or trainer socks for indoors
- PE Trainers
Not allowed:
· Coats, scarves, hats or gloves should not be worn inside the building.
· Jewellery or piercings are limited to a watch and ear studs.
· Jewellery cannot be worn at all for PE (Derbyshire County Council Policy for schools).
· Ear stretchers cannot be worn, for health and safety reasons. No nose studs.
· Any makeup and/or nail varnish should look natural. Heavy use of foundation, eye makeup including false eyelashes, brightly coloured nails, false nails and lipstick are not allowed.
· There should be no extreme hair styles. e.g. patterns shaved into the head; vivid hair dye.