Academy Status

Following rigorous consultations with parents, carers, staff and the school community, the Governing Body of Buxton Community School formally made the decision to join the Embark Federation Multi-Academy Trust, and the school became a member on the 1st June 2023.
Embark has excellent capacity within the Trust to support others and also has two National Leaders of Education, Two National Support Schools and a National Leader of Governance. For more information about the Embark Federation, please follow this link:
When a school joins an academy trust an additional INSET day is granted to provide further training, support and guidance from the Trust. As such we have an INSET day on Friday 30th June and school will be closed to all students on this day.
We are really looking forward to the new and exciting prospects that the academy conversion will bring and we will keep you updated on all the opportunities that come our way.
Mrs Sam Jones - Headteacher