Information re Y11 trip to Alton Towers (Oct 23)

Letter regarding Y11 trip to Alton Towers October 2023
Dear Parent/Carer
We are delighted to offer our Y11 students (current Y10) the opportunity to have a day at Alton Towers on Friday 13th October 2023. It was felt that this might be a quieter time at the park than in July, so better value for money. Students who do not wish to attend will remain in school and follow an amended curriculum for the day.
The trip will leave school at 9.00 am and students will be expected to meet no later than 8.40 am in order to leave from Temple Road entrance.
Students will need to wear clothing that they feel comfortable wearing, but it must not have offensive logos or pictures. They also need to consider the weather and bring waterproof tops, hats or sun cream as required.
All students are expected to follow instructions from teachers attached to the trip and venue staff. They are able to go around the venue in small groups (3 or more students), however it is important that they report to the staff at various times during the day (as detailed by trip staff). It is also necessary that they return to the coach at the stated time at the end of the day. Failure to do this may result in additional charges from the coach company that will be forwarded to the students concerned.
Any valuable items or money students take to the venue will be their own responsibility for the duration of the visit.
Students can bring money to buy lunch or bring a packed lunch, but they will have to carry their lunch with them as the coach usually parks quite a distance away.
The coaches will arrive back at the school at approximately 5.00pm. Students who use school transport will need to make separate arrangements for collection from school.
The cost of the trip is £37.50. If enough students elect to go on the trip we will be able to collapse the timetable, which will reduce cover costs and we will be able to reduce the price and the difference will be refunded back to you.
Payment and consent through school via Parent Pay by 29th September 2023.
Yours faithfully
Mrs G Ashworth - Assistant Headteacher