GCSE exams information letter

Information letter re GCSE exams which was emailed to all parents 11/03/2024
Dear Parent/Carer
The GCSE exams are fast approaching, and we would like to take this opportunity to share some crucial information and key dates with you. Exams start on the 7th May and finish on the 19th June however, your child must be available until the 26th June; contingency dates are identified by the awarding bodies and would be used in the event of any significant national or local disruptions to exams.
Students are expected to be in school full time and in all lessons until Monday 10th June. Following the morning Maths exam on this date, we will have a short leaving celebration and then dismiss students to go home at lunchtime. Students sitting the Spanish Exam in the afternoon will need to stay in school. After this day, students only need to attend those lessons where they are yet to sit the exam. Exam results day is on Thursday 22nd August and further information about this will be shared in due course.
We are aware that students will want to sign shirts, but it is vital that they attend every single exam in the correct uniform as per the school policy. Shirts must not have writing on them in the exam hall.
Parents are a huge source of support to children during exams so please do not underestimate your role during this time. You know your children best and how they are feeling and you can really support by ensuring that they eat properly, get some early nights, strike a balance between study and rest and by encouraging them to revise. Lots of hints and tips ranging from wellbeing to revision ideas, which were shared during the Parent Partnership Event in October, can be found on our website here Buxton Community School - GCSE Parent Partnership
Exam timetables were issued to students this morning and we would appreciate you going through this with your child carefully making a note of the day, time, and length of each examination to support them. In the rare event of clashes occurring, please do not panic, we will be in touch with a plan.
Please can you read through the reminders below with your child to ensure they are fully prepared and organised.
- Students must be in full uniform for every exam– shoes are to be removed before entering the Sports Hall and placed next to each individual desk. We encouraged students to bring slippers or socks with them to keep warm and comfortable.
- Students must arrive in plenty of time to enter the hall and allow the exam to start on time. It is disruptive to others in the hall if students arrive late.
- No watches, including smartwatches, or phones allowed – these must be switched off and put in bags which are kept at the back of the hall or left at home.
- Water is allowed but must be in a clear bottle with no labels.
- Students must bring all the correct equipment to each exam. This includes at least two black pens, pencils, a ruler, eraser, scientific calculator, protractor, ruler and compass. If they are bringing a pencil case, this must be clear with no labels.
- Students will be called into the hall by supervising staff – they must enter and leave in silence.
- Behaviour must be exemplary at all times.
All this information can be found on our website at:
We are very proud of our Year 11 students for the hard work and dedication they have demonstrated this year and want to ensure that they are supported through this critical stage of their education. We realise that many are likely to be feeling the pressure and associated stress so we will be switching masterclasses to tutor time from the 29th May; this will support with morning routines and provide organisational and enhanced access to pastoral support.
Good nutrition and being well hydrated is proven to improve exam performance so we encourage as many students as possible to take advantage of the free breakfast available in the Small Dining Room from 8am each day. It is vital to prepare for exams with effective revision but equally, being well rested and fed is essential. The Study Zone is open to all Year 11 students and provides a space for independent study from 8am each morning, over lunch and until 4.30pm after school and I am sure that this will prove to be an increasingly useful space for students in the coming weeks.
The exams are a culmination of 12 years of formal education and are a stepping stone to the next stage, whether this is A Levels, College, apprenticeship or beyond. We hope that with all the support from home and school that our students will be able to stay calm and show off their rich knowledge and skills to the best of their abilities. We wish them all the luck in the world and look forward to celebrating with them on the 27th June at their Prom.
Good Luck from all of us at BCS!
Mrs C Warrington - Assistant Headteacher