For the attention of families who live in Fairfield

Applications are now open for FEST grants 2024
The Trustees of Fairfield Endowed School Trust invite applications from persons under the age of 25 on 31 August 2024 and in secondary or post 16 education in September 2024, and who are, or have a parent or parents, permanently and only resident in the Ecclesiastical Parish of St Peter's, Fairfield.
Grants, which will be awarded solely at the discretion of the Trustees, are intended:
- To provide allowances or scholarships to assist towards the cost of attending courses at Colleges, Universities or Institutes of Further (including professional or technical) Education, approved by the Trustees.
- To provide financial assistance towards expenses such as the purchase of outfits, clothing, tools, instruments or books, which may be needed on leaving school, university or any other educational establishment to prepare for or enter a profession, trade or calling.
- To provide allowances for travelling in this country or abroad to pursue one's education
- To offer financial assistance towards the study of music or other arts
- To assist generally with the cost of education, including sports training and equipment.
Caitlin Bisknell - Clerk FEST Trustees