Sixth form students continue to enjoy success

All the hard work pays off!
Every year we are incredibly proud of our Sixth Formers’ achievements and this year is no exception. We are thrilled to be celebrating some fantastic A-level and L3 BTEC results which reflect the dedication and drive we expect from students at BCS, despite the numerous disruptions of recent years.
We are very happy to report a 98% pass rate across all qualifications and with a full range of A Level courses offered, it is great to see success spread amongst subjects. Our alternatives to A Levels have also done brilliantly. Not only did our second cohort in the Level 3 Health & Social Care Diploma score fabulous results, their Community Befriending service has shown that they have the practical skills to match their qualifications. Lastly, 9 students gained an A* in their Extended Project Qualification, an increasingly popular enrichment opportunity that is particularly valuable in a competitive University entrance environment.
As always we are delighted by the breadth of destinations and range of courses our students will be going onto: Maddie will be studying medicine at Aston University; Boris will take up a prestigious degree apprenticeship with Dyson; Declan will be studying Computer Science with Games Design at Bangor; Antonia will be taking up a place with the RAF; Ella will be studying midwifery in Leeds and Milo will be returning to BCS as an IT technician!
Students are pursuing courses and careers in: marketing, mechanical engineering, international relations, working with children, young people and families, marine biology and professional policing to name but a few and we are delighted that the range of the courses and quality of the institutions shows no lack of ambition amongst our students.
There were some outstanding individual performances including the following students who reached the exceptional standard of 3 top grades between A* and B at A level or Distinction at BTEC level 3:
- Esther – A*AAB
- Chloe – Distinction* and Distinction
- Emma-Jane – A*A*A
- Maddie – AAB
- Boris – A*A*A*
- Elyse – A*A*A and A* in EPQ
- Lily - AAA
- Mia – 2 x Distinction*
- Grace – AAB and A* in EPQ
- Agatha – A*A*A*
- Liv – A*AB
A special mention should also go to year 12 student Will who sat A level maths a year early and achieved an impressive A grade. Indeed, year 12 students have much to celebrate beyond the classroom with over half of the cohort securing a Silver Duke of Edinburgh award this Summer.
If you are a young person completing your GCSEs in 2024 and would like to join our vibrant and successful Sixth Form community, we still have a few places left for study commencing in September. Please contact our Head of Sixth Form, Jackie Cruse at: for more information.