Change to INSET Day

INSET Day change
Dear Parent/Carer
Thank you again for your patience and understanding during this difficult week and for the many messages of support.
I omitted to let you know yesterday, that given the closure this week and in an effort to reduce the disruption, we are cancelling the INSET Day set for the 17th January and rescheduling for the afternoon of the 29th January. We are unable to cancel the INSET Day completely, as we have external trainers booked to deliver compulsory training. We have been able to move them to the afternoon of the 29th and internal training, which had been planned for the morning, will now be done in other staff meetings.
Therefore, students will finish on Wednesday 29th January at 12.30 and will now be in school on Friday 17th January.
If you child is in receipt of free school meals and would like to collect a grab bag before they leave site on the 29th, please email also, please email Sandi, if your child needs to catch a bus at the end of the day.
Kind regards
Mrs Sam Jones