Next BCS PTA Meeting

Please come along and meet with this friendly group of people. We all have the same aim - helping to make school the best possible place for our children!
Dear Parents and Carers
PTA EGM – Tuesday 17TH April
Due to the recent adverse weather and other technical issues, there were some distribution problems in the notice of our last meeting for which we apologise. We thank all who either attended the meeting or sent apologies for their absence.
It was decided to defer key Agenda items until our next meeting when we will consider all nominations to join the panel for preparing new guidelines and considering ongoing requests for funding/grants from PTA funds. In order that nominations can be formally approved and in accordance with the PTA Constitution, you are hereby given notice that this meeting will be an EGM and all members of the PTA are invited to attend and vote.
To ensure our priorities for awarding grants remain in tune with our members it is important that the panel has ongoing representation from a balanced cross section of our parents and teachers.
We have vacancies on the panel for both teachers and parents and we therefore invite nominations to fill these vacancies. If you feel that you can bring value to this forum and would like to have your voice heard in establishing the new guidelines, we would very much like to hear from you.
The EGM of BCS PTA will be held in the School LRC at 6pm on Tuesday 17th April. All parents/carers and teachers are warmly invited to attend and share your views even as a ‘one off’ without commitment to ongoing involvement in the PTA committee.
If you are unable to attend but would like to have input, please drop us an email to
We look forward to seeing you on the 17th.
Buxton Community School PTA
You can email us here:;
follow us on Twitter @BCS_PTA
and on Facebook ommunityschoolpta/
also, please join our EasyFundRaising: