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Buxton Community School

Buxton Community School

Food and Cookery

Head of Department: Hannah Edwards (

Key Stage 3

All pupils have the opportunity to study Food and Nutrition at KS3. In Year 7 pupils have a twenty lesson module which gives them a good introduction to the subject, and a further 20 lesson module later in the year. In practical lessons pupils will cook a range of simple dishes and will learn the basic food preparation skills.

At the beginning of the course they will be given a recipe book and are asked to provide the necessary ingredients , a container and an apron for each practical lesson. The recipes can also be seen below and are also downloadable at the bottom of the page, should you wish to view this way or print a copy. In addition to developing their practical skills, pupils will learn about choosing a healthy diet and the importance of Food Hygiene.

Students will study Food Technology for 40 lessons in year 8 and 9 on a rotation with other technology subjects. Practical cooking lessons will be once a week and students will be required to bring ingredients and an apron. During practical lessons students will prepare and cook a wide range of dishes which include a variety of traditional British (such as Shepherd’s Pie), foreign main meals (like Lasagne or Curry) and the occasional pudding! All are guaranteed to be delicious and will be enjoyed by families at home. Again, recipes can be seen below as a jpeg or as a PDF document at the bottom of the page.

During theory lessons students will cover a range of topics including the importance of healthy eating for teenagers, planning nutritious diets, food safety and hygiene, wise shopping and budgeting skills.


Your child will be participating in practical cookery sessions this half term. It is expected that students bring ingredients from home to cook. It is also useful if they have a suitable container, such as a plastic tub, and an apron to protect their school uniform. On some occasions an oven proof dish may be required.

All recipes are on the school website for your information.

If you are unable to provide ingredients please ring Miss Edwards on 01298 212158


7a –  Mrs Faram's Wednesday group

29th January Rocky Road
5th February Bolognese
12th February Stir Fry
26th February Flapjack
5th March Scones
12th March Chicken Nuggets
19th March Fruity Chicken Curry


7a –  Miss Hunter's Wednesday group

29th January Fruit Salad
5th February Pizza
12th February Pasta Salad
26th February Quesadillas
5th March Fruit Buns
12th March Pasta Sauces
19th March Free choice - pick any Y7 recipe


7b – Friday week 1/Tuesday week 2 (please note this group have a 

          longer rotation)

 20th December                 Chocolate Log decorating competition  
    7th January                     Fruit Salad
17th January No cooking - INSET day
21st January Pizza
31st January Pasta salad
4th February Cornflake crunch
14th February Tomato pasta 
25th February Fruit crumble
   7th March                          Quesidillas
11th March  Fruit buns (please bring bun cases)
   21st March                        Spaghetti bolognese
  25th March                        Stir fry  

   4th April                             Rocky road






  Reminders/Special Notes
13th February Swiss roll


27th February Thai curry


6th March Cookies


12th March Sweet & sour chicken  
20th March Rock buns

Please bring bun cases

26th March Pesto pasta  
3rd April Easter buns or Easter free choice  
23rd April Garlic bread


1st May Spaghetti carbonara


7th May Free choice  



Thursday week 1 / Tuesday week 2


Reminders/Special Notes

11th February Swiss Roll


26th February Thai Curry


4th March Cookies


13th March Sweet & Sour chicken


18th March Rock buns Please bring bun bun cases
27th March Pesto pasta


1st April Easter buns or Easter free choice  
24th April Garlic bread


29th April Spaghetti Carbonara  
8th May Free choice  


9a  Friday group     Reminders/Special Notes
14th February Soup & croutons

Pick any recipe!

28th February Berry crumble bars

Please bring a brownie tin/tray

7th March Chicken & leek pie Please bring an oven proof dish
14th March Millionaires shortbread or shortbread biscuits

Please bring a baking tin

21st March Spanish chicken & paprika potatoes Please bring 2 tubs
28th March Shepherd's pie Please bring an oven proof dish
4th April fruity roulade  
25th April Jam tarts or mini quiches  
2nd May Jaffa drizzle muffins  
9th May Free choice  



Wed week 1 / Tues week 2 

  Reminders/Special Notes
12th February Soup & croutons

Pick any recipe!

25th February Berry crumble bars Please bring a brownie tin/tray
5th March Chicken & leek pie Please bring an oven proof dish
11th March Millionaires shortbread or shortbread biscuits Please bring a baking tin
19th March Spanish chicken and paprika potatoes Please bring 2 tubs
25th March Shepherd's pie Please bring an oven proof dish
2nd April Fruity roulade  
22nd April Jam tarts or mini quiches  
30th April Jaffa drizzle muffins  
6th May Free choice  


Year 7 recipes/Ingredients List 



Year 8 recipe cards/Ingredients List 

Year 9 recipe cards/Ingredients List 




Key Stage 4 

V Cert Food and cookery

Why choose V Cert Food and Cookery? 

Practical Cookery at KS4  (see recipe cards below)

This course is called Food and Cookery because there is an emphasis on COOKERY!

If you choose Food and Cookery as one of your GCSE options you will be expected to bring in your cooking ingredients on a weekly basis. In year 10 we cook every week to build up your skills and repertoire of dishes. In Y11 this is spread out a bit more when we are doing the controlled assessment unit.

We try to vary the dishes so it is not too expensive every week!

You will also need the following equipment, apron, container, ovenproof dish and baking tray.

Sometimes we all cook the same dish to improve a particular skill or to learn about the function of an ingredients or to learn about a particular food group. Sometimes there is more of a free choice, for example cook a dish that will appeal to a teenager, or make a dish that is rich in calcium. On these occasions you will have to have a recipe and method to follow that you have researched and printed off.

We cook a wide range of dishes so it is really important that you will be prepared to cook with different ingredients and try new foods from lots of different cultures.

In year 11 you are given a brief and have to plan, cook, and evaluate 4 dishes. This forms 60% of your total GCSE. The other 40% is an exam taken at the end of Y11.

The Units in the exam are:

  • Food Health and Safety
  • Where does our food come from? How it is grown, reared and produced.
  • Healthy eating, food groups, nutrition, balanced diets
  • What factors affect the food that we choose to eat? E.g. Budget, religion
  • How to prepare and cook different foods, cooking skills and techniques
  • How to adapt recipes

The majority of this is taught through 2 hour practical sessions each week as well as a 1 hour theory session each week.

See Miss Edwards or Miss Hunter if you would like to discuss this course. 

More Information

The ability to plan, prepare and present food is an essential skill in life. The V Cert in Food and Cookery equips you with theoretical knowledge about nutrition, healthy eating and food provenance as well as enabling you to develop practical skills in planning, preparing and cooking a variety of dishes. Even if you don’t plan to have a career within the food industry you will learn many transferable, essential life skills. 

Level 1/2 Technical Award in Food and Cookery:

V Certs are designed in collaboration with employers to ensure they equip individuals with the skills the workforce needs.

They empower pupils with industry-relevant skills and knowledge appropriate to a range of growing sectors. V Certs are combined Level 1 and Level 2, to recognise the achievements of pupils of all abilities.

They’re graded from Level 1 Pass, Merit, Distinction, through to Level 2 Pass, Merit, Distinction, Distinction*, which is the equivalent to GCSE grades 8.5-1.

Studying our V Cert in Food and Cookery will give pupils the fundamental skills and knowledge they’ll need to prepare for a career in the hospitality and catering sector. This qualification covers key subject areas, from food health and safety and information on key food groups and key nutrients, to recipe development, amendment and evaluation.

What skills will I develop? 

You will develop food preparation and cooking skills as well as transferable skills of problem solving, organisation and time management, planning and communication. 

What will I study? 

Studying our V Cert in Food and Cookery will give pupils the fundamental skills and knowledge they’ll need to prepare for a career in the hospitality and catering sector. This qualification covers key subject areas, from food health and safety and information on key food groups and key nutrients, to recipe development, amendment and evaluation.

How will I be assessed? 

The V Cert is externally and internally assessed. 

Unit 1 : is assessed through a written examination and is worth 40% of qualification.

Unit 2  is worth 60% of qualification 

Is assessed through a Non-examination assessment task (NEA) controlled assessment which will be completed under controlled conditions, marked by your teacher, externally moderated. This will allow you to showcase the food preparation skills you have developed through your practical lessons. You will have to plan, cook and prepare 4 dishes for this work.

16 hours will be allocated for this assessment 

It will be marked as; Level 1 Pass, Level 2 Pass, Merit or Distinction. 

KS4 recipe cards