Results Day
We are extremely proud of our sixth form students who have worked so hard for so long. They have coped brilliantly with the uncertainty of the last few months and have dealt with the whole situation with a maturity and positivity that does them credit.
Results day was very much about next steps and future destinations and included some stunning results. To mention just a few; Connie with A*,A,A is going on to read History at Oxford, Luke with A*,A*,A* has gained a place on the prestigious MORSE course at Warwick and Elliot with A*,A*,B will be going to Bath to read Maths. The vast majority of the students have been able to take up offers of university and college places, apprenticeships or other exciting opportunities. Future University destinations for BCS Sixth Formers include; Oxford, Bath, Cardiff, Loughborough, Durham, Glasgow, Nottingham and more. They are thrilled to be starting number of diverse and exciting courses including; film production, business analytics, English, events management, mental health nursing, policing, midwifery, marine biology, etc.