Student Well-Being
At Buxton Community School, we recognise that good mental health is something that needs to be worked at and supported and cannot be taken for granted. Mrs Garner (Assistant Headteacher, SENCo and Designated Safeguarding Lead) is the school’s Mental Health Lead for students. The work of the Mental Health Lead is to work with key individuals to ensure that the school is able to use a range of resources to support the mental health of the young people in our school. This will take a variety of forms but includes:
- Ensuring we have a Mental Health Provision Map
- Working with internal and external colleagues to ensure our young people get the support they need.
- Supporting parents and carers in all matters concerning mental health. This may include making referrals to services or signposting to other services that may be best placed to support.
- Work within the curriculum to ensure that good mental health is something that is addressed across the school (e.g. PSHE, RSE and assemblies etc).
We have adopted the Anna Freud THRIVE Framework in our whole-school approach. More details about this can be found below.
This section of the website will be updated regularly with resources and signposting for mental health issues.
Our Well-Being Padlet is regularly updated and can be found by clicking here
The THRIVE Framework for system change (Wolpert et al., 2019) is an integrated, person centred and needs led approach to delivering mental health services for children, young people and their families that was developed by a collaboration of authors from the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust and the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families.
The THRIVE Framework provides a set of principles for creating coherent and resource-efficient communities of mental health and wellbeing support for children, young people and families. It aims to talk about mental health and mental health wellbeing help and support in a common language that everyone understands. The Framework is needs-led which means that mental health needs are defined by the children, young people and their families, alongside professionals, through shared decision making. Needs are not based on severity, diagnosis or care pathways.
The THRIVE Framework thinks about the mental health and wellbeing needs of children, young people and families through five different needs based groupings: Getting Advice and Signposting, Getting Help, Getting More Help, and Getting Risk Support. Emphasis is placed on the prevention and promotion of mental health and wellbeing across the whole population. Children, young people and their families are empowered through active involvement in decisions about their care, which is fundamental to the approach.
(Anna Freud website)
Please download below our BCS Mental Health Provision Map