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Buxton Community School

Buxton Community School

Y11 Launch Event

We are pleased to invite Y11 parents/carers to our Y11 Launch Event. 


Dear Parent/Carer

We would like to invite you to our Year 11 Launch Evening on Thursday 12th September at 6pm in the Sixth Form study centre.

Our focus this year will obviously be on helping students make as much progress as possible by being really prepared for their external exams. With most marks coming from exams; organising work, revising content and developing exam skills will be vital for success. With this in mind, we don’t want our students to only start revising at Easter time in 2020; we want them to start revising their learning now.

To quote one of our tutors; “In nearly every report I read as a Y10 tutor this year, revision (or rather a lack of it) was cited as an issue”. So, our aim is to tackle this by preparing for the exams now and throughout the year to avoid ill-preparation, panic and stress.

The aim of the evening is to offer you a very clear picture of what to expect from your son/daughter, and from school, during this crucial year. You will be given an outline of the calendar so you and your son/daughter can plan ahead. We don’t want any of our students to be stressed because of poor organisation so we are starting now.

We want all our students to feel confident, happy and supported and the best way to do this is by understanding what they need to do and planning for success.

This will be an informal event where we will show you some revision techniques, how to access exam board resources such as past papers and mark-schemes, what the important dates in the year are and who you can turn to for advice and help. 

Your son/daughter is not expected to attend with you but we hope to see you both in a couple of weeks at our Sixth Form Open Evening on Thursday 24th October, where you will have the opportunity to talk to subject teachers and support staff about Post 16 options.

Our aim is for a wholly successful year both at school and at home and we look forward to seeing you on the 12th.

Many thanks for your continuing support                                                                       

                                                      Clare O'Brien        

Mrs S Jones                                                                              Mrs C O’Brien

Deputy Headteacher                                                              KS4 Director of Progress