Thank you Y9s

Y9 Superstars! Read our Y9 Wow's of the Week
Liam Phillips and Jake Goodwin for fantastic progress in cooking. They have gone from asking a million questions to none!! Fantastic. 😊 Mrs Stafford.
Reece Buckley: improving attendance! Mrs Garner.
Zoe Taylor – such an inquisitive mind - excellent questions about the maths we are doing. Mrs Scholes.
Henry Redfern – much better volume of work being produced and he is getting more involved in lessons. Mrs Scholes
Bella Anderson – helping others in this week’s topic, great to see her confidence growing! Mrs Scholes
Luca Cullen – excellent contribution to lesson discussions – also uses fantastic mathematical language. Mrs Scholes
Jamie Barlow...who has really tried hard with fractions - despite distractions. Miss Bothamley
I nominate Annabelle Fletcher and Maddie Wager for excellent effort in classwork and homework. Mrs Booth.
Zoe Taylor, Charlotte Marsh and Liam Phillips! For excellent work in English! Mrs Howard.
Priya Seward - for playing the most amazing Last Post and Reveille with Jacob in the Remembrance assembly. Thank you so much Priya for agreeing to do this! Mrs Flint
Maddie Wager - Such a positive attitude in PE. Mrs O’Brien
Lois Frost - quietly wonderful in PE. Mrs O’Brien
Isla Jones, Leila Howard and Izzi Stokes for me, continuously brilliant and if I had more spaces to get them on the sculpture list I would have. Mr Moore.
Cal Johnson for the most amazing website made in his own time! Mrs Wentworth.
Marcella Dryer for an outstanding performance on her end of unit test :) Mrs Carr.
Bella Anderson for having an open mind when it comes to reading, trying out different genres and taking advice. Miss Copley
9aEn1 - thank you to the whole of the class for being beautifully behaved during Monday’s lesson and for making a concerted effort to do brilliantly in their assessments this week. You make me exceptionally proud. Miss Copley
From Mr Greener:
Miriam Buston for making a connection between the assignment and the soliloquy!
Ethan Gilman-Hawkes for brilliant contributions and a consistently positive attitude during lessons.
Tess Merrick for contributing more frequently during lessons and demonstrating a solid understand of character and plot during lessons.
Kira Boneham for taking an active role during lessons and making sure that she has everything she needs to be successful in English.
9CPY - To all of the kids in my form that consistently get it right but still put up with my nagging! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ - also:
Lauren and Bobbi for an exceptional achievement in football.
Mollie for setting a continuously high standard in all that she does.
Liam Phillips for being positive and making me smile every single day.
The following students all deserve a mention for brilliant verbal contributions in their Geography lessons:
Zoe Todd, Jacob Voigt, Ione Murray-Blanchard, Jake Goodwin, Flora Elford, Luca Felix, Ethan Gilman-Hawkes, Lottie Gregory, Maisie Piper, Zoe Taylor, Felix Gunter and Josh Winterbottom. Mrs Heywood.