Bag2School Collection - 9th April

Please drop your bags of unwanted clothes etc off at school on Monday 8th April or by 9am on Tuesday 9th.
Just a quick reminder about the Bag2School collection on the 9th April. This is a really great way to make money for school whilst encouraging re-cycling! If every student donates just one bag of unwanted clothes etc, we can raise much needed money for the PTA to fund an array of great things for our children.
Bag2school accept: Good quality clothing, paired shoes (these are a great addition as they are weighty!), hats, belts, handbags, soft toys, bedding (but not duvets, pillows or cushions), curtains and towels.
Further information about Bag2school can be found at
Donations can be brought in Bag2School bags or any other bag that can be tied at the top. Bags can be dropped off at reception anytime on Monday 8th or before 9am on Tuesday 9th April.
School uniform with or without logo is not accepted by Bag2School but as per our earlier email to parents, we need your uniform donations to launch the PTA Uniform Exchange scheme - so please put school uniform in separate clearly labelled bags (or bring it to school at a different time).
As always huge thanks for your support.