High Peak Homelessness Appeal

Helping the homeless.
The theme of last week's assemblies to Years 7 - 10 was raising awareness of homelessness and challenging existing perceptions of homeless people.
Following this, the school is taking action to support our local charity 'High Peak Homelessness Help' (formerly High Peak Nightstop). http://www.hphh.co.uk/wanttohelp.html
The charity would particularly welcome donations of essential toiletries (e.g. toothpaste, deodorant, soap, shampoo, sanitary products) at this present time. Therefore we would like to organise a collection in school.
If you feel you could help us, please could you arrange for your child to bring in donations and give these to their form tutor by Friday 21st June. Donations of razors are not permitted for reasons of safety.
If you would like to discuss this initiative further, please contact Mr Gort.
Many thanks in advance for your support.