Celebrations today for our A Level students!

Buxton Community School students are celebrating their A Level results!
Students and staff at Buxton Community School enjoyed celebrating the outcomes of over 70 young people after two years of really hard work with fantastic A-level results for many of our students.
There are many outstanding grades that reflect their efforts and we are proud of the commitment to the highest standards from our students and staff.
These strong results achieved by our students have been recognised in the university destinations of our young people. They are travelling to the top universities across the UK and the world to continue their studies and it is tremendous their achievements are being recognised in this way.
Headteacher, Mr Yates was delighted that the hard work and commitment the students had shown has paid off and commented:
“The new A-level courses continue to raise the level of challenge and make it tough to reach the highest grades. Our students and staff have met that challenge head on and produced some truly exceptional results and some great success stories".
We continue to work closely with the UK’s top universities to secure the future pathways for our students to careers where they will become the next generation of professionals in so many disciplines that play vital roles in society.
We could not be prouder of them or those who are moving in to employment, further training or taking the time to do something more unusual for a little while before they take their next step. Wherever they go, they leave with our best wishes and we will miss them.”
If you are a young person completing your GCSE's in 2019 and want to find out more about Buxton Community School we would love to show you what we have to offer at our Sixth Form Open Evening on Thursday 24th October at 6.00pm.