Important information regarding coronavirus

Please see below an update from Mr Yates
Dear Parent / Carer
I have been made aware that a nearby primary school, (Burbage) has taken the precaution of closing for today due to a confirmed case of corona virus in the parent population, I have spoken with the headteacher and I can confirm that at this time there is no information that would suggest any increase in risk to our students or staff.
I will keep a close eye on the situation and the head will keep us informed. I will keep you updated with any further information as necessary but for the moment, our school is open as usual during the day.
However, in light of a confirmed case in the local community, it seems a sensible precaution to postpone tonight's option evening event for Year 9. We would normally expect around 400 people to attend the event and under the circumstances it makes sense to avoid bringing so many people together in one space. We will be in touch over the next few days to explain how we will amend the options process schedule and make sure no child is disadvantaged by the change. I hope you understand and feel this is the right decision.
If you have concerns over the well-being of your child please follow the advice offered on the Public Health England website and / or the NHS website . You can also call 111.
Thank you for your support
Craig Yates