Update from Mr Yates - 04.05.2020

Letter from Mr Yates
Dear Parent / Carer
I am sure that you will have seen all the speculation in the media about the possible re-opening of schools. It has been suggested in some quarters that we may re-open in June to some year groups. I can tell you that I have not yet been given any advice, guidance or direction on this and our position is currently unchanged. Like you, I am also waiting to hear how the national government plans for schools to re-open. Once the government confirms their plan for re-opening school, I will be in touch to explain how this will transfer in to our setting as it may affect each school slightly differently.
In the meantime, I am working hard with leaders and staff from across the school and beyond to plan for as many possible scenarios as we can think of. The situation has been so fluid and fast changing it is impossible to predict exactly how it will affect schools in the future. However, we can guess at some of the possibilities and we want to be as well prepared as possible.
Once school opens its doors again, I want you to feel confident that your child can return to school knowing that we will be working within the new government guidelines to keep them safe and well, whatever those guidelines may be.
In the meantime, we will continue to do our best to support your child in their learning at home. I know it can be a bit of a struggle at times staying motivated to work at home, however, I want to say thank you so much to those of you who have shared some really lovely stories of the unexpected fun and adventures you are having at home with your children. The examples of artwork created, stories written, experiments devised, photographs taken, food cooked, hair styles cut and memories made have been amazing. Your positive stories have really kept us motivated to keep doing all we can to support you and your families. Our systems show that over 1,000 children have accessed our class charts learning platform and over 1,000 parents have accessed their accounts to support their children. Thank you for all you are doing, it will make such a difference.
I haven’t forgotten that Friday 8th is officially a Bank Holiday. Although school will remain open to those who need it, I am asking all students and staff to take the day off from setting and receiving work. It is important that everyone has time to look after themselves and to have a moment to think about those who have gone before us as part of the VE day commemorations.
It maybe we can now begin to think about having a school full of life again soon and I can’t tell you how much the staff and I are looking forward to opening the doors again. We expect it will likely look and feel very different around school and in the classrooms and we know there is much to do to make sure we keep everyone as safe as possible. But I think we all agree, a school needs students.
Please stay safe and well
Craig Yates - Headteacher