Black Lives Matter

Please see message below from the staff and governors of Buxton Community School
Dear Parents/Carers
The school has been working on a response to the recent death of George Floyd and the subsequent Black Lives Matter protests. If we were able to operate normally, we would be discussing the topic of equality and discrimination in school, and we wanted to provide students with something that they can engage with remotely.
This email outlines the resources that we have put together and where they can be found.
This week, on Classcharts, there will be a PHSE lesson via a powerpoint, with an introductory video from myself via Loom. The links will be on the lesson instructions. You might feel it appropriate to have a look at this yourself before your child starts to work on it, or you might want to work through the materials with your child so you can discuss any issues that arise. We have created separate lessons for the different key stages, so they are age appropriate.
On our school website, under the Teaching and Learning section, in the PHSE area, we will put some additional resources. These include a parents’ guide, which contains information and further links, and some recommended reading lists from the National Literacy Trust. These are also split into age appropriate guides. Finally, we have put together our own list of books and films on the themes of equality and discrimination that you may want to use.
Please see below for a statement from the school regarding equality and tolerance.
Kind regards
Mrs Gill Ashworth - Assistant Headteacher
BCS Statement on Racial Equality
The recent events surrounding the death of George Floyd and the subsequent Black Lives Matter protests have highlighted the inequalities that still exist in our society. As a school community we have been deeply moved by what has happened, and we did not want to let it go unrecognised.
Respect, tolerance and equality lie at the heart of our school values, and we strive each day to promote these in everything we do. We know that we do not always get it right, but we will be open and honest in looking at what we already do in our curriculum and wider school practices, and we will seek to improve where we can.
We have prepared a presentation that we would like all students to engage with at this present time. Teachers have also responded through the subject curriculum where appropriate, such as in art and history. As and when we can return to a more normal school routine, we will continue to address these issues through our PHSE curriculum, as well as through subject teaching where appropriate. We want our young people to be able to feel confident to stand up to and challenge intolerance, to debate the issues that affect them and others, and to know where they can get support if needed.
In the meantime, if you are affected in any way by any of these issues, please feel free to get in touch.
Mrs Gill Ashworth (on behalf of the staff and governors at Buxton Community School)