Update from the Headteacher 08.09.2020

Please see below update from Mr Yates on the first week of school.
Dear Parent / Carer
I am writing to share with you an update about the first couple of days of the new term and the arrangements that are in place to help keep your children safe.
Firstly, thank you to the students who have returned full of enthusiasm and every one of them I speak to is pleased to be back. The one ways systems, year group bubbles, social spaces and other changes are working well and the students are respectful and helpful with what we are asking them to do. The planning and preparation is paying off and staff across the school will continue to monitor and refine our protocols to keep them as effective as possible.
For some students, we are carefully unpicking the implications of such an extended period of time away from school but you will not be surprised to hear that most students simply want to get back on with the process of learning and this has been reflected in the attitudes and behaviours we are seeing. On the Monday 455 reward points were earned by our students. Attendance has been outstanding with 97% of students returning to school. This is actually slightly higher than we saw at the same time last year.
There are some things I need to ask from you to help us keep the systems robust and your children safe.
Firstly, the staggered start to the day for different year groups is really important in keeping the bubbles apart and preventing large groups gathering. Your child should not come to school early, they will be sent away until it is the right time for them to arrive. They should not wait on nearby streets as this can cause unnecessary congestion for the local community. Please work with them to work out how they can arrive at the right time.
It is also really important that they behave responsibly in the town. We have had a small number of complaints about groups of students congregating in the parks and shopping areas. If they are meeting friends, they must follow the social distancing rules. I know they will have missed seeing each other and want to catch up but they must stay aware of their surroundings and the people in the area.
The infection rates in Derbyshire are currently low in comparison to other areas and I am sure we all want to keep it that way. Please emphasise to them how important all this is, it really will make a difference to them, the school and the wider Buxton community.
Finally, the students will spend a lot more time outside this year. Social times at break and lunch will be outside, even if it is raining. This is an important part of the safety measures. I know many of you have already done this but please send your child with a warm, water proof coat.
After such an extended time without them, I am so pleased to see the school full of students again. They are doing a great job as are all the staff who are supporting them. I cannot thank them enough for the immense efforts they are making to ensure things work so well. Their ingenuity and professionalism in putting together lessons and learning for year bubbles is really impressive.
Thank you for your trust in us as a school and we will continue to work hard to keep your children safe whilst still having an enjoyable and effective experience in school.
Take care
Craig Yates - Headteacher