Expectations and standards letter

Standards and Expectations
Dear Parent/Carer
It was the end of the Summer term when I wrote to you setting out our standards and expectations at Buxton Community School. We are now approaching the end of our first full 2 weeks back and I thought it an opportune time to share with you how things are in school; to thank you for your support and acknowledge just how resilient our students have been and how very proud we are of them.
There have been many changes in school: one-way systems; year group bubbles, controlled entry and exit points, staggered starts, finishes, breaks and lunchtimes. The clear majority of students have worked with us, being compliant and accepting of these new routines. Where students have struggled, our fantastic team of pastoral staff have worked tirelessly with them, offering support and guidance. Firm words and sanctions, when needed, have also played a part in ensuring that safety protocols are not breached.
You will now be aware of the coloured badges students are wearing. This is a simple and quick way of identifying bubbles for us. Please can you ensure your child wears it on the front of the blazer lapel, not underneath it. There is still an expectation that this is worn on PE days too. We know this is a new routine to build in, but we would value your support with it.
Our reward system, which recognises effort above and beyond our standard expectations, is up and running. At the time of writing, over 3100 points have been awarded to students, clearly demonstrating students’ positive engagement and behaviour. Staff continue to work hard to deliver high quality and engaging lessons, despite being out of specialist classrooms.
Alongside our reward point system sits our consequence system. Students are always given the chance to put things right and pastoral staff and form tutors monitor carefully the number a student receives. We will contact you if your child disrupts the learning of others within their teaching groups. Sanctions within the year group bubbles remain the same: reports, phone calls and emails as well as detentions at break and after school. For the most severe sanctions, INTEX will remain. Our aim is to support restorative conversations and help students to identify why they behaved the way they did. Our pastoral staff have a wealth of experience and have the understanding and insight to know which form of monitoring and sanction works best for them as an individual.
A few reminders. Hair should not be dyed a vivid colour and excessive and brightly coloured nail extensions are not permitted. Jewellery is limited to a watch and one small stud in each ear. In accordance with Health and Safety regulations no other piercings are allowed, including lip, nose, septum and eyebrow. Shoes should be all black and leather or leather look with any metal tags thread through the laces removed. As students are spending so much more time outside and lockers are not in use, ankle boots can now be worn but please see the attached guidance for what is and isn't allowed. Students cannot leave the site at lunchtime, if they do, they cannot then return and as well as absenteeism being recorded as unauthorised, exclusion sanctions will be imposed if this is persistent. The safety of all students is our priority.
I understand that these are unknown and strange times for all of us. Keeping routines and familiar systems in place for students, where we can, have been our priority. Our school attendance is sitting above the national average as we are now working under the Government's directive that attendance of school returns to being compulsory.
Thank you so much for your continued support in helping us equip students with clear standards and expectations.
Kind regards
Caroline Gelsthorpe - Assistant Headteacher