Christmas message from our school counsellor

Ideas to get you through the Christmas holidays. Please see the message below from our school counsellor.
Hi Everyone
School holidays can be an enjoyable break from the usual busy academic year. However, we are approaching the holidays at this time, in very different circumstances.
I am also very sorry if during lock down, I did not manage to speak with you or offer you any counselling. For those of you who are still on the waiting list, you will be picked up in September. I promise you have not been forgotten. Those of you who would like to be added to the list, please send a message on the E Help line.
Lock down brings restrictions and challenges in so many different ways. Here are some important links, just in case anyone feels they need someone to talk to.
Have a lovely summer and please keep yourselves safe.
Debra 😊
PS For any parents also needing someone to talk to: