Mini School for Key Worker Children

Please see below important information regarding key worker children attending school
Due to high numbers attending the mini school, we are changing the way we take bookings for children of critical workers, and moving to a weekly booking form.
Please read the letter below regarding booking places for the mini school. This replaces any correspondence so far, so parents of children already attending or booked in will be required to read and complete the booking form. The link is on the letter.
This is for children of critical workers only. If your child falls into any other category who have been invited into school, you do not need to complete the form.
Dear Parent/Carer
Following the opening of our ‘mini school’, we have experienced a high volume of bookings, like many schools in the country.
The government guidance was changed on Friday 8th January and now states that:
Children with at least one parent or carer who is a critical worker can go to school or college if required, but parents and carers should keep their children at home if they can.
We appreciate the efforts that you have made so far, but we have to ask that you look again at your circumstances and, if possible, keep your child at home. If you do need a place at the mini school, please do request it.
To assist with this, and also due to the high number of families looking to book places, we have had to move to a Microsoft Forms booking sheet for each week A new form will be sent out each week, and we ask that parents use this form to book a place for their child. If you have more than one child requiring a place, please complete a form for each child.
If you require a place at the mini school next week (Week 18th – 22nd Jan), please complete the form below by midday on Thursday, 14th Jan. This requirement overrides any previous emails or calls to school, so please do fill it in if you require a place next week.
If you have any difficulties completing the form, please contact
If you do not hear from us by 3pm on Friday, please assume that your place has been accepted and your child can attend as requested. Any last minute requests will be considered, but we cannot guarantee that we can accommodate your request.
Kind regards
Gill Ashworth - Assistant Headteacher