Testing arrangements update from Mr Yates

This information has been emailed out to parents and contains important information about testing arrangements for return to school.
Dear Parent/Carer
I'm writing with the follow up information about how testing will be carried out for your child prior to their return to face-to-face teaching on the 11th March. Please go through this information carefully with your child to help them understand what it will look and feel like when they come to school for their first testing and reorientation sessions.
We are sending this information to all parents; however, if you have not supplied consent for your child to be tested, please ignore the following information about testing, and your child should return to school on the 11th of March at 8:50 am. It is not too late to provide consent for your child to be tested and I would urge as many families as possible to allow their children to be tested. Currently, we have consent for over 95% of our students to be tested and, as I'm sure you can understand, the greater the number of students that are tested, the lower the risk will be of asymptomatic cases entering the school where they can spread.
You will find below the date and time for your child to attend school for their testing and reorientation session which will help him/her settle in ready for their return to normal lessons on the 11th of March.
Journeys to and from school
It is incredibly important that all students respect the social distancing measures currently in place across the country as they make their way to and from school for their testing session and whilst on the school site. Please emphasise with your child that they must not travel to school in large groups, car share with others, sit close on public transport or break the boundaries around close contacts in any way. If a student within the group they've been associating with tests positive later in the school day, then we would have no alternative but to isolate those who have associated closely with them and they would need to follow a 10-day self-isolation at home. Only by closely following the rules for social distancing when they travel to and from school and on school site can we prevent this from happening.
I would also ask that you make sure that someone is available to collect your child if needed during the time they are on the school site for testing and their reorientation session. This is because if they test positive, they will need to be collected from school as they will be unable to travel home independently.
If your child has tested positive for Covid 19 in the last 90 days, they should not take a test until the 90 day period is complete. The reason for this is because it may trigger a false positive result which would lead to them needing to self-isolate at home for 10 days. We have, what we believe, is a comprehensive list of the students who have tested positive for COVID 19 since the outbreak began. However, if your child has tested positive for COVID-19 during the recent lockdown and for any reason you have not informed the school, please let us know by telephoning reception so we can make sure we do not test them during the 90 day window.
Uniform and Face coverings
Students do not need to wear uniform to attend school for their testing session. This is to help you avoid unnecessary washing and laundry. All students should return to school in full uniform from Thursday 11th March.
In my previous letter, I explained that under the new guidelines, students need to wear face coverings under almost all circumstances when indoors at school. Please make sure that your child has a comfortable and robust face covering with them when they attend their testing and reorientation session. We will have a small stock of emergency face masks for those students that genuinely need one, but clearly, they will be more comfortable in a face covering that they are used to wearing and handling.
All students should arrive at school at the designated time for their group.
Students must not arrive early, as they will be turned away from site. We are processing all tests as quickly as possible, and it is critical that students are only on site during their designated time. All students should access the site through the Temple Road entrance where they will access the gym through the outside doors.
The students will be met by their pastoral team, who will make sure that they are settled before small groups are taken through to the testing centre where they will take a lateral flow test. Once they have completed their test, they will move through to the Gothic Hall or Dance Studio and meet their tutors. Students will be taken through reorientation instructions and materials to help make sure they return safely on Thursday 11th.
Positive test result
It is possible that a small number of students may test positive for COVID-19. If this happens, we will quietly and discreetly inform the student and withdraw them to a safe and private space whilst we contact you to let you know. You will then need to collect your child and take them home where they will need to self-isolate for 10 days.
Negative result
We anticipate that the vast majority of students will test negative for COVID-19. Once we have confirmed a negative test and students have completed the re-introduction session with their tutors, they will be allowed to leave site via the College Road exit to travel home. You will receive a confirmation text and/or email of a negative result later in the day. Please remind your child that lockdown regulations are still in force throughout the time we are testing and that after leaving school, they should travel straight home.
Follow up tests and home testing
Your child will receive two further follow up tests in school over the next two weeks. These will be carried out during normal lesson time and they will not require any special arrangements.
Once they have arrived in school, we will organise distribution of testing kits for our students and you will receive further information about when this will happen and how to use them safely.
Testing dates and times
Below are the testing dates and times for your child's year group. Students are organised by tutor group and it is very important that they arrive on time for the testing session, but not before.
Tutor groups and testing times
Fri 5th March |
Arrive for Test |
13 BAR |
9.50am |
13 OBN |
1020am |
13 PKD |
10.50am |
13 WGN |
11.20am |
Mon 8th March |
Arrive for Test |
10BKR |
8.50am |
10WLL |
9.20am |
10WTH |
9.50am |
10BTS |
10.20am |
10SCS |
10.50am |
10WST |
11.20am |
Mon 8th March |
Arrive for Test |
11TMS |
11.50am |
11NCL |
12.20pm |
11HWD |
12.50pm |
11 WWH |
1.20pm |
11 CPY |
1.50pm |
11 SFD |
2.20pm |
Tues 9th March |
Arrive for Test |
7BTH |
8.50am |
7JCT |
9.20am |
7 CWL |
9.50am |
7 HLL |
10.20am |
7 MDN |
10.50am |
7 AUS |
11.20am |
7 JNS |
11.50am |
Tues 9th March |
Arrive for Test |
8KCH |
12.20pm |
8LKT |
12.50pm |
8MRY |
1.20pm |
8EDG |
1.50pm |
Tues 9th March |
Arrive for Test |
12BKY |
2.20pm |
12 WRD |
2.20pm |
13BAR |
2.50pm |
Wed 10th March |
Arrive for Test |
8BDN |
8.50am |
8WOD |
9.20am |
8GRD |
9.50am |
Wed 10th March |
Arrive for Test |
9ISC |
10.20am |
9GLP |
10.50am |
9RWN |
11.20am |
9CRR |
11.50am |
9PAR |
12.20pm |
9GFN |
12.50pm |
9GLD |
1.20pm |
Wed 10th March |
Arrive for Test |
12 GRR |
1.50pm |
12 WRG |
1.50pm |
We will make sure that your child is well looked after when they are with us for their first testing session. I appreciate that for some it may be something that they have experienced before, and for others it may be something that is a little strange and different. I hope you feel reassured by the information that we've given you, and I feel reassured that so many of our students will be going through this process before they can access face to face teaching in a classroom with all the students.
Thank you and take care
Craig Yates