Abseiling Event

The local charity Blythe House, who have helped so many of our families, are holding an abseiling event at the end of April. See details below and download the poster for further details.
Blythe House Hospicecare & Helens Trust provide clinical care and support to patients across the High Peak and Derbyshire Dales who are affected by a life-limiting illness. As well as the clinics, counselling and physiotherapy sessions run at the hospice, our Hospice at Home team cares for end of life patients within their own homes. This has prevented hundreds of hospital admissions and kept families together in the place the patient is most comfortable.
Blythe House Hospicecare and Helens Trust are holding an abseil on Sunday 25th April 2021 at Millers Dale Bridge. The minimum age for the activity is 10 years, and I wondered if you might have a school newsletter or forum where you could share details of the event with pupils and parents? It’s a fantastic challenge, and allows participants to help raise money for a local charity at the same time.
Any questions about this event can be directed to Rebecca Gregory by email to; events@blythehouse.co.uk or by phone to 01298 875089.