Reward system

Information from Mrs Gelsthorpe regarding our reward system
Dear Parent and Carer
I hope you are keeping safe and well and some element of normality has returned for you, now that we have students back in school with us.
During the period of remote learning, we enabled features on ClassCharts that allowed us to further increase lines of communication. This letter is to give you some information about how we will be enabling additional features on ClassCharts so you are informed of your child’s behaviour in school.
As I am sure you are aware, our behaviour policy includes a reward and consequence system. Our Reward System is designed to recognise and reward the achievements of students in KS3 and KS4 in all areas of their school life, including Attendance, Punctuality, Behaviour and Attitudes to Learning. All positive behaviour alerts will be shared with you as of Monday 22nd March.
In addition, we feel it would also be beneficial to share our consequence system with you. Our behaviour policy is built around restorative engagement with students and a focus on every student’s right to learn.
Staff deliver well planned lessons that both challenge and engage whilst ensuring learning is accessible to all students. Staff also promote a positive classroom environment. To achieve this, we recognise it is necessary to have consistency in our expectations, standards and routines within our classrooms.
When a student, or small group of students, are challenging these expectations and affecting their progress and the learning and progress of others, the behaviour needs are addressed using the consequences system below.
- C1 Verbal warning given by teacher
- C2 Final warning given by teacher
- C3 Student asked to leave the classroom. Class teacher speaks to the student outside of the lesson and decides if the student acknowledges the poor behaviour and is able to successfully return to their seat. Class teacher informs the parent of the incident.
- C4 Student has been removed from lesson for persistent poor behaviour. A member of the pastoral team informs the parent of the incident.
- C5 Referral for Internal sub-exclusion (student works away from the classroom). Parent informed.
We have thresholds set up that run termly for incidents at C1 and C2 level. These thresholds are: 10 instances of C1 and 8 instances of C2. These threshold alerts allow us to address and intervene with appropriate interventions. We will be sharing these threshold alerts with you.
We will also share with you each alert at the C3, C4 and C5 level. The sharing of these behaviours will also begin on Monday 22nd March.
Please can I encourage you to continue to actively engage with ClassCharts, building in time to view it with your child as part of a daily routine. Can I also reiterate that the green and red colours for these behaviours are default settings and we cannot change them. You can, however, customise the date range using the orange calendar icon, should you choose to do so.
Thank you for your continued support. We hope that by sharing this information, you will have a greater insight into your child’s behaviour in school and support us in reinforcing our standards and expectations as well as congratulating your child on the positive behaviour points they receive.
Kind regards
Caroline Gelsthorpe - Assistant Headteacher