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Buxton Community School

Buxton Community School

Update from Mrs Jones - 14.05.2021

The following update has been emailed out to Parents/Carers

Dear Parent/Carer

I just wanted to write with a few updates and reminders for the whole school and additionally, very early next week, I will be writing to the parent/carers of Y11 and Y13 students with instructions for their last few weeks.


A quick reminder that Friday 21st of May is an INSET day and school will be closed to all students.


The DfE ‘School Covid-19 operational guidance’ has been updated following Step 3 of the government’s road map announcements. The document provides guidance on actions schools should continue to take to minimise the risk of transmission of Covid- 19 in the school and its community.

The updated guidance has specific changes to the information on the wearing of face coverings, enabling us to review our current practice in and around school.  The following changes can take place from Monday 17th May 2021:

  • The wearing of face coverings in classrooms and communal areas will become optional for all students.
  • The wearing of face coverings in classrooms will become optional for staff. However, for the benefit of the identified students where visual signals of communication is necessary, staff who chose to wear a face covering in the classroom should continue to use the transparent face coverings.
  • All staff and visitors will be expected to continue to wear face coverings in situations where social distancing is not possible (for example, when moving in and around corridors and communal areas).
  • Students are still required to wear a face covering on public transport or when using dedicated school transport to and from school.
  • We must continue to be mindful that the re-introduction of the use of face coverings may be advised for all staff and students in classrooms and communal areas in response to local outbreaks of Covid 19 or to new variants of concern.  


As per our previous communications, on the days students have PE on their timetables they must come in their PE kit as the changing rooms are not currently available under the COVID rules.  However, they should be in BCS PE kit (the new kit for Y7 students and the new PE T-shirt or navy blue polo PE shirt for other years.)  The BCS hoody is an optional item and therefore because the students need to be in PE kit all day they may wear a different sweatshirt but in navy or black please wherever possible.  On non-PE days uniform must be as per our uniform policy and whilst in the cold weather we were allowing students to wear sweatshirts/hoodies under their blazers, now it is spring this is no longer the case.  Shoes must be black and of a polishable material, no trainers please.  Full details of our uniform and what is and isn’t allowed can be found by following this link:


Whilst mobile phones and devices are not banned by the school as we recognise that parents like students to have them on the way to and from school, the use of them is not permitted by students in Y7-11 anywhere on school premises between 8.50am and 3.20pm. In emergencies, parents and students can contact each other through the school office. It is essential that all emergency information be routed through the school office, so that relevant staff will be aware of any potentially important information.  Students should switch their phone off at 8.20am and put it away safely in their bag until 3.20pm.  Any students using their phone during these times will have it confiscated and our mobile device sanctions will apply – full details of our mobile device policy can be found at:

If the phone is confiscated more than once in any academic year it will be necessary for a parent/carer, or another adult nominated by the parent/carer, to come in to school to collect the phone.   

Thank you so much for your continued support.  If you have any queries about anything in this update or anything else, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Have a restful and safe weekend

Mrs Sam Jones - Deputy Headteacher