Global pride month

Showing support for Global Pride
On Wednesday 30th June we are holding a non-uniform day to raise awareness and show support of and allegiance with Global Pride Month.
We are inviting staff and students to wear something colourful on that day. However, we recognise that some people would prefer to show their support in other ways than their clothes, and it is important that we all acknowledge and respect this. There will be many in our community who do not own any items of brightly coloured clothing, and we would not expect anyone to buy something especially for the day. Therefore it is essential that anyone who is not wearing bright clothes on the 30th is not assumed to be unsupportive, and everyone should be treated with respect and dignity.
We also acknowledge that our support of the LGBTQ+ community and their allies comes through our everyday words and actions, and we will continue to promote this in our ethos and values.