Y13s have a fancy dress Farewell Day

Y13 students and sixth form staff get into the spirit of fancy dress!
It was a bittersweet day when we finally had to say goodbye to our fantastic year 13 students: bitter because we felt robbed of precious time with them but sweet because they really know how to make the most of everything and threw themselves into having the best time!
We quizzed, karaokeed, dressed up, ate hot dogs, had ice-creams and celebrated their hard work, talent and resilience with prizes, presents and awards.
This was a very special year group who will be sadly missed and very fondly remembered.
Jackie Cruse - Head of Sixth Form
(Ben and Jacob below)
(Beth and Chloe)
(Cruella and Pongo - aka Ms Cruse and Mr Buckey)
(Curtis, Jack and Charlie)
(Mr Jones and Mr Griffiths with the maths boys)
Ron and Hermoine (aka Mr Ward and Miss Barratt)
(Tom E, Tom B, Harry W, Keiren and Ben)
(All the gang!)