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Buxton Community School

Buxton Community School

COVID Catch Up Vaccinations

Information for Parents/Carers of students who did not have their vaccination in school

Dear Parent/Carer

We have recently been visiting schools to start our Covid-19 vaccination programme for ages 12-15.  We recognise that some children were not able to have their vaccine on the day we visited due to ill health or other reasons.  During the half term break we will be running some clinics at Newholme Hospital in Bakewell and at the mass vaccination site on Midland Road in Derby. These sessions are also open to children who are schooled at home.

If your child falls in to one of these categories, and you would like them to access a Covid-19 vaccination, please contact us on the number below and we will try and book you in to a clinic slot which is convenient to you.  On the day of the clinic appointment you will need to come with your child, and it would be helpful if your child is wearing a loose fitting, short sleeved top.

Places are limited, and we will close lines when all slots are filled. Please only call the number below to make an appointment. The School Age Immunisation Team will not be able to book you an appointment.

The call centre will be open on the following dates / times

Wednesday 13th October 12.30 – 4.30pm

Then 9.30 – 4.30 on weekdays until all slots are taken.

 01773 525100 

This offer is restricted to children who are schooled at home, or to children who attend schools we have already visited. If you are unable to book an appointment for any of these clinics, there will be more clinics in the future.

October half term clinics


26th October


Derby, Midland House


27th October


Derby, Midland House


28th October


Newholme Hospital, Bakewell


31st October

All day

Derby, Midland House

Thank you

School Age Immunisation Service