World Book Day

World Book Day celebrations!
This year we celebrated 25 years of World Book Day with teachers dressing up as their favourite characters, a quiz, and our annual World Book Day Writing Competition. Students across Key Stages 3 and 4 were asked to write original Magical Creatures stories and we had a huge number of entries this year, which made it really difficult to shortlist!
Students in KS3 had the opportunity to listen to the finalists' stories at the start of each lesson throughout the day and then vote for their favourite. The stories included "The Platypus Turtle" by Matty Miller (Y7); "Trouble in Orchid" by Boudicca Stocks-Greaves (Y7); "World's First-Ever Dragon Zoo" by Rachel Cudahy (Y8); and "Some say it exists..." by Thomas Gilliver (Y10). We are very proud of our worthy finalists and I think we may have budding novelists in our midst.
I am thrilled to announce that the winner is Matty Miller in Year 7 with "The Platypus Turtle". Congratulations, Matty!
The staff enjoyed dressing up as their favourite characters and can be seen by following this link:
Thank you to staff and students for their enthusiasm and support!
Mrs Gardner
(Pictured Mrs Jones (aka Miss Trunchbull) and Mrs Ashworth (aka Bruce Bogtrotter)