Y7 Disco

Return of the Y7 Disco
The Y7 Christmas Disco was back with a bang! 130 students attended and although the dance floor didn't fill immediately, once Mr Holman (resident DJ) played Dancing in the Moonlight by Toploader - there was no holding them back. Hotdogs and chips (from Harpur's Plaice) were devoured and there was also a tuck shop to keep energy levels up for further dancing!
At the end of the evening Mrs Siddons and Mrs Gale led the students out of the disco in a conga to meet their parents/carers!
Mr Holman and Mrs Siddons would like to thank all the staff who helped; Mrs Gale, Miss Tomlinson, Miss Egerton, Mr Gort, Mrs Garner, Miss Barratt & Mrs Lowe and a give a huge shout out to our wonderful site team for all their help in setting up and clearing away.