Y9 Options Evening

REMINDER - Thursday 9th February is our Y9 Options Evening. We look forward to seeing you from 5.30-7.30pm.
This is the letter which was sent out to all parents last month.
Dear Parents/Carers
We are now at the stage where we will be starting the Y9 options process and your child will be asked to select subject choices for the Key Stage 4 curriculum. I delivered an assembly this morning to all Y9 students to explain what the process involves.
We are pleased to invite you and your child to our Y9 Options Information Evening 5.30-7.30pm on Thursday 9th February . There will be three talks as follows:
- 5.30pm - parent/carer and student from each of forms 9JNS and 9BTH
- 6.00pm - parent/carer and student from each of forms 9SMK and 9KCH
- 6.30pm - parent/carer and student from each of forms 9AUS, 9CHE & 9HT
Senior leaders and subject teachers will be available throughout the evening including Mrs Garner our SENCO.
Students are required to follow a core curriculum of:
- GCSE English Language
- GCSE English Literature
- GCSE Maths
- GCSE Philosophy and Ethics
- GCSE Science (combined or triple)
As well as Core Physical Education.
In addition students will be asked to select 3 further choices and must also choose 3 reserve subjects.
To support this options process we offer a range of information, advice and guidance throughout the next half term. As well as discussions with their tutor and subject teachers, the following programme will take place:
- 18th January Options assembly presentation for Y9 students.
- 25th January Option A subjects assembly.
- 25th/26th January Students apply for taster sessions.
- 1st February Options booklet issued to students in form time.
- 2nd February Y9 Parents’ Evening via School Cloud.
- 9th February Options Information Evening in school.
- 13th February Taster sessions during PD slot.
- 17th February You will receive a link to an electronic form for your child to make their choices via email.
- 6th March Option choices deadline.
We look forwarding to seeing you on the 9th February.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Sam Jones - Head of School