Update regarding forthcoming strike action

This letter was sent out to parents on the 16th February
Dear Parent / Carer
You will be aware that following a recent ballot by the education unions, a decision was made to take strike action by the NEU in February and March. The strike action is part of the wider national action around funding for schools and pay agreements for staff.
As a school, we need to consider the possible impact of strike action on the safety and wellbeing of the students and how this might affect our ability to open to all or some year groups.
After careful consideration, I believe we can safely open to some of our students, but we will not be able to open fully as normal. I have taken the decision that on the strike action on the 1st March we will:
Open the school to Year 11, Year 12 and Year 13 students.
Open learning support for students who have support through an EHCP. You will be contacted directly if this includes your child.
Open Heads Up for students who access support through this facility. You will be contacted directly if this includes your child.
Close the school to all other Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 and Year 10 students. Students in these year groups will be provided with remote learning through ClassCharts (not live lessons) by non-striking teachers through the day. The number of lessons provided will vary slightly according to the number of lessons affected by strike action.
We will have limited capacity to deliver learning and provide lessons so we have thought carefully about how we can use the staff available to us. The reasons for selecting the year groups chosen are to support those most affected by changes in routine and provision; continue learning for those closest to their examinations and allow access to school for the older, more independent students. The dates currently listed for strike action are:
Wednesday 1st March
Wednesday 15th March
Thursday 16th March
Should the situation change through the national negotiations, I will contact you as soon as possible with any updates. Should the situation develop differently to how we anticipate, and we are not able to open using the plan above, we will also let you know as soon as possible.
Thank you for your understanding.
Craig Yates - Headteacher