School update

This letter was emailed to parents on the 3rd March 2023
Dear Parent / Carer
As you know, we have been working towards conversion to Academy status as part of the EMBARK trust.
Over the last few months, I have been involved in supporting the development of the secondary school element with Embark in readiness for the schools coming together as part of the organisation. I have been very appreciative of the support and patience from everyone at BCS as this has inevitably taken some time away from our own school.
We are approaching the time when the number of secondary schools who are integrated into the trust will increase. Consequently, the need to invest more time and capacity into this work is increasing too.
From the BCS perspective, we want the new offer and support to be as strong as possible for our students, staff and the wider school community. We also want to sustain the improvement and development of our school in its own right as we continue to strive to deliver the best education possible to our students.
To support in both these aims, the governors have asked Mrs Jones to step into the role of headteacher and Mrs Garner to step in to the role of deputy on a full time basis for the rest of this year. This is to provide the continued clarity and strategic direction for our school that I am sure you will appreciate. I know you will support them both in their new roles and welcome the continuity and certainty this change brings for our school community.
I will be deeply involved in the development of the provision for all the Embark schools including BCS and in addition, a number of extra days each week will be devoted to BCS to provide executive support across the school over the next few months.
Thank you for your understanding over the next few weeks as we make our changes.
Craig Yates