Presentation Evening Postponed from 14th December

Dear Parents and Carers
We have managed to keep the school open for all students through some difficult weather conditions this week. Unfortunately, the weather forecast for the rest of the day is varying between sleet and snow and could potentially cause us real problems tonight at presentation evening should it ultimately emerge as snow. The site at the gardens could be operating normally but the travel to and from the area for students, parents and staff may be difficult, particularly in the dark. Under the circumstances, it seems sensible to reduce the risks for everyone involved and postpone tonight’s event. This decision is made with a heavy heart and we will let you know what alternative arrangements will be put in place once we have decided.
I appreciate we may end up regretting the decision should the weather improve through the day but the logistical nature of the event and the need to let all involved know what’s happening at an early stage means we need to decide now and considering the current information we have, it is right to err on the side of caution at this time.
Thank you for your understanding,
Craig Yates